应用荧光原位杂交 FISH 技术研究黑叶猴染色体易位 |
佴文惠 刘瑞清 陈玉泽 王金焕
摘要 本文应用染色体荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,利用人9号和14号染色体特异探针,对深低温冻存和长期传代的黑叶猴细胞株染色体畸变进行了分析。确定在长期冻存和传代过程中,一些黑叶猴细胞在No.12和No.17染色体之间发生了易位,一条 No.17染色体发生断裂,断裂点在17q13,断裂片段17q13-17qter易位到一条 No.12染色体长臂末端,形成一条小的中着丝粒的和一条具较长长臂的衍生染色体即 der(17) 和 der(12)。结果表明,荧光原位杂交技术用人染色体特异探针不仅能检测出人类染色体畸变,也能有效地检测灵长类动物染色体畸变。
关键词 黑叶猴,染色体易位,荧光原位杂交,人染色体特异探针 中图分类号 Q38,Q343
A Study of Chromosome Translocation of Francois Monkey by Fluoresence in situ Hybridization (FISH)
NAI Wen-HuiLIU Rui-Qing CHEN Yu-ZeWANG Jin-Huan (Kunming Cell Bank of Type Culture Collection of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Kunming650223)
Abstract In this paper,the chromosome aberration of long-term cryopreserved and subcultured Francois monkey (Semnopithecus francoisi) cell line(KCB 92008) was analyzed by fluoresence in situ hybridizaton (FISH) using human 9 and 14 chromosome DNA probes. After compared the hybridization pattern with the G-banding pattern on the same metaphase,a translocation between Nos.12 and 17 chromosomes was identified. In some Francois monkey cells,one of chromosome No.17 was broken into two at the breakpoint 17q13,the segment(17q13-17qter) without centromere transfered to the long arm terminal of one chromosome No.12. Thus,two derivant chromosomes der(12) and der(17) were formed,the long arm of der(12) was longer than the normal partner,while the long arm of der(17) was shorter than the normal one. The result indicated that the technique of FISH using human whole chromosome probes was not only a powerful tool to detect human chromosome rearrangements,but also a usefulmethod to study the primate chromosome aberration.
Key words Francois monkey,Chromosome translocation,Fluoresence in situ hybridization,Human chromosome probes
染色体荧光原位杂交(Fluorecence in situ hybridization,FISH)技术是八十年代在已有的放射性原位杂交技术的基础上发展起来的一种分子细胞遗传学技术。目前已广泛应用于细胞遗传学、产前诊断、肿瘤生物学、基因定位、 基因扩增以及哺乳动物染色体进化研究等领域。在临床细胞遗传学研究中,结合常规的染色体显带技术如G[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 条纹斑竹鲨基因组的RAPD分析初报 下一个医学论文: 培训需求评价的研究概况