新装修住宅室内空气甲醛污染调查分析 |
王谋凤 于凌志 吕华东
摘要: [目的] 了解新装修住宅室内空气甲醛污染情况及其变化规律。[方法] 对4套新装修住宅用变色酸比色法,对卧室和客厅门窗的开、关及门窗关、闭,橱门开、关等不同状态进行甲醛浓度分析。[结果] 室内空气的甲醛浓度是室外的6.65倍,为0.492 mg/m3;在门窗关闭时甲醛100%超标;门窗开与关之间甲醛浓度有非常显著差别;甲醛浓度与测定日期成负相关,与室温成正相关;橱门开与关之间甲醛浓度的差别亦有非常显著性意义。[结论] 用人工胶合板制作的家具是室内空气甲醛的主要污染源,常开门窗,加强通风,是降低甲醛浓度的主要办法。 关键词:新装修住宅;室内空气;甲醛污染 中图分类号: R 126.6 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2705(2000)02-0017-03
Investigation on Indoor Air Contamination by Formaldehyde in Newly Decorated Apartments
WANG Moufeng, YU Linzhi, LU Huadong (Fujian Centers for Disease Control, Fuzhou 350001, China)
Abstract: [Objective] To study indoor air contamination by formaldehyde (FM) and its variation regularity in newly decorated apartments. [Methods] To detect the concentration of FM in the room of newly decorated apartment with colorimetry of color-variable acid under different conditions. [Results] The indoor concentration of FM was 0.492 mg/m3 and 6.65 times higher than outdoor. There was very significant difference in FM concentration between opening and closing windows of room and doors of cabinet. The concentration was negatively correlated with the date finishing decoration and positively with the air temperature. [Conclusions] The furniture made of plywood is the main contamination source of FM. Opening the windows frequently can reduce FM concentration of indoor air. Key words: newly decorated apartment; indoor air; formaldehyde contamination
1 对象与方法
1.1 调查对象概况 选择高、中、低3种装修档次的4套住宅,其中高低档各1套,中档2套。档次主要指制作家具所购买各类人造装饰材料的质与量而言。其层次分布分别为3、4、5及7楼,面积101~130 m2。4套均为厨房书房朝北、卧室朝南、客厅在中央且有南北对流通风的结构。4套住宅的卧室及3楼、7楼的客厅在开窗时有效通风窗面积均为1.02 m2,4楼客厅为1.4 m2,5楼为2.1 m2;除3楼外,其它3套平时门窗均开启自然通风。使用的油漆4楼56 kg,7楼40 kg,3楼32 k[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 多卤代芳烃化合物化学分析和检测方法的研究 下一个医学论文: 游泳池水质卫生状况的综合评价