冠心病无症状和有症状心肌缺血患者双嘧达莫试验的对比分析 |
许涛 樊怡 余尚农
摘 要 目的: 认识冠心病无症状心肌缺血病情的隐蔽性及潜在危险性, 提高其诊断率, 降低致死率。 方法: 根据运动试验、 HOLTER、 心电图将120例冠心病患者分为无症状组(67例)及有症状组(53例), 通过双嘧达莫试验进行对比分析。 结果: 试验中有症状组出现典型心绞痛率显著高于无症状组(χ2=7.48, P<0.01), 而两组心肌缺血程度(t=0.086, P>0.05)及阳性率(χ2=1.82, P>0.05)无明显差异。 结论: 无症状心肌缺血因较少临床症状常被忽视, 但其心肌缺血程度并不亚于有症状者, 故应引起高度重视, 而双嘧达莫试验对其研究及预防有着较好的优势。 关键词 双嘧达莫 冠心病 心肌缺血
Comparative Analysis of Dipyridamole Test between Silent Myocard ial Ischemia and Myocardial Ischemia Patients
Xu Tao,Fan Yi,Yu Shangnong Intensive Care Unit,Wuhan Second Hospital,Wuhan 430014,P.R.China
ABSTRACT To better understand the potential danger of silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) of coronary artery disease,120 patients with coronary artery disease were divided into two groups:SMI group(67 cases) and myocardial ischemia (MI) group (53 cases ) on the basis of results of exercise-test,Holter and electrocardiograms.The tw o groups were observed and compared after Dipyridamole Test and results showed t hat the incidence of typical angina pectoris in MI group was significantly highe r than that in SMI grop(χ2=7.48;P<0.01),but the degree of t he myocardial ischemia(t=0.086,P>0.05) and the positive rate( χ2=1.82;P>0.05) between the two groups were not significantly different.It was concluded that SMI was usually ignored owing to little clinica l presentation,but its degree of myocardia ischemia was no less than that in MI .So more attentions should be paid to SMI and Dipyridamole Test has been very he lpful in the research and prevention of SMI. KEY WORDS Dipyridamole; Coronary artery disease; Silent myocardial ischemia
1976年德国学者Tauchert[1]首先提出双嘧达莫试验(DP-T), 并肯定了其在冠心病诊断中的价值。 DP-T以其高特异性和敏感性, 现常作为临床医师在冠心病检测中的一项重要手段。 经检索互联网上的Medline栏中2000年1月以前的国内期刊发现, 目前对无症状性心肌缺血的临床研究多通过运动试验、 HOLTER、 冠状动脉造影等方法。 本文首次应用双嘧达莫试验, 检测冠心病患者120例, 通过对无症状和有症状心肌缺血患者在试验中的症状、 心电图ST-T改变及恢复情况的对比分析, 为更好地认识无症状心肌缺血提供依据。
1 对象和方法
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[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 静脉滴注赖氨匹林治疗小儿急性热病效果观察 下一个医学论文: 毛果芸香碱治疗精神药物所致口干的临床对照研究