妊娠高血压综合征用药的不良反应监测 |
张林燕 王丽岩 李国慧 杨毓章 宋淑芳
摘 要 目的: 通过对产科妊高征治疗用药的不良反应监测, 对临床合理用药提供参考依据。 方法: 对60例妊高征患者治疗用药的ADRs进行系统监测, 将原始材料输入微机数据库, 用dBASEⅢ进行统计分析。 结果: 60例出现ADRs 11例, 18例次。 ADRs总发生率18.3%, 平均1.5±0.8例次; 皮肤及神经系统ADRs发生频率最高38.9%; ADRs表现皮肤潮红38.9%, 头晕29.8%; ADRs均为A型, 轻度最多(61.0%), 第1天出现最多(88.8%); 致ADRs药物有两种, 硫酸镁最多(90.9%), 其次为酚妥拉明(9.1%)。 疾病分型以重度妊高征组ADRs发生率最高(25%), 平均用药种数及次数ADRs组与非ADRs组有明显关系, 用药种数及次数多者易发生ADRs; 而ADRs发生与住院日数无关。 结论: 治疗妊高征时硫酸镁易引起ADRs, 其中皮肤潮红及头晕发生频度高, 重度妊高征、 用药种数多及用药次数多者易发生ADRs。 关键词 药物不良反应 监测 妊娠高血压综合征
Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring in Chemotherapy of Pregnancy-Induced Hypert ension Syndrome
Zhang Linyan,Wang Liyan,Li Guohui,et al Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology first affiliated Hospital,Inner Mongol ia Medical College,Inner Mongolia 010050,P.R China
ABSTRACT To give referential data for clinical chemothe rapy in pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome(PLH),adverse drug reactions(ADR s) monitoring was conducted systematically in 60 patients with PLH.The original information was input into the database of computer,then the mathematical analys is was performed through dBASE Ⅲ.11 cases and 18 times of ADRs were discovered .The ADRs incidence was 18.3% and average frequency was 1.5±1.8 tim e.Skin and nervous system were affected the most by ADRs(38.9%).The most com mon symptom of ADRs was skin flushing (38.9%) and the dizziness second (29 .8%).All ADRs were type A.ADRs in the disease classification:severe group was the most(25%).ADRs mainly took place in the first day of drug administoation.Th e durg which resulted in ADRs is Magnesium sulfase(90.9%) and Rigitine(9.1 %).Conclusions: Magnesium sulfase easily induced ADRs when we treated PIH and mostly common symptoms were skin flushing and dizziness.ADRs occur in severe PIH more easily.The more ADRs occur,the more times and sorts of drug were used. KEY WORDS Adverse drug reactions; Monitoring; Pregnancy-induced hypertension s[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 阿奇霉素引起的听力损伤 下一个医学论文: 氯氮平与其他抗精神病药物致白细胞减少对照研究国内文献Meta分析