多塞平不良反应与中医证候 |
摘 要 目的: 观察多塞平不良反应与中医证候的关系。 方法: 选择虚寒证和实热证为观察证候, 随机分组后进行不良反应的确认。 结果: 思睡和乏力发生率为虚寒证组182/278(65.5%), 显著高于实热证组4/90(4.4%), P<0.01; 抗胆碱不良反应发生率实热证组76/90(84.4%), 显著高于虚寒证组8/278(2.9%), P<0.01; 3例肠麻痹为严重不良反应, 均见于实热证组。结论: 多塞平不良反应与中医证候有关, 多塞平具有中药药性温热特征, 适用于虚寒证, 不适用于实热证。 关键词 多塞平 药物不良反应 中医证候
Adverse Drug Reactions of Doxepin and Asthenic Cold or Sthenic H eat Syndrome
Zhang Qiansheng People s Hospital of Xuanzhou City, Anhui 242000,P.R.China
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the advers e drug reactions (ADDs) of doxepin and the symptoms and signs of Traditional Chi nese Medicine .The 378 patients were randomly assigned into asthenic cold syndro me group and sthenic heat syndrome group.The ADRs of doxepin were observed.The i ncidences of somnolence and fatigue were significantly higher in the asthenic co ld syndrome group(65.5%) than in the sthenic heat syndrome group 4.4%( P<0.01),whereas the anticholinergic ADRs were significantly higher in the sthenic heat syndrome group(84.4%) than in the asthenic cold syndrome group (2.9%;P<0.01).The 3 cases of intestinal paralysis, a sever ADR,we re all in sthenic heat syndrome group.Our results showed that the ADRs of doxepi n were related to symptoms and signs of Traditional Chinese Medicine.The doxepin is a drug of warm nature and is indicated for the asthenic cold syndrome but no t for the sthenic heat syndrome. KEY WORDS Doxepin; ADRs; Asthenic cold syndrome; Sthenic heat syndrome
多塞平(Doxepine)是一种三环类抗抑郁药, 本文观察多塞平不良反应与中医证候的关系。
1 对象与方法
1.1 病例选择 普内科各种疾病伴发的抑郁、 焦虑症状时间>3个月, 且中医证候明确。 1988年10月~1998年10月共观察368例, 男153例, 女215例。 年龄平均30.7(16~71)岁。 病程平均6.4(3~72)个月。 服多塞平期间停服其它药物。 1.2 中医证候 选择虚寒证和实热证两种证候进行观察, 依据中医八纲辨证的内容和方法[1], 两种证候的区分, 以体质、 舌象、 脉象等较为稳定和特异的征象为指标, 见表1。
表1 虚寒证与实热证的区分
证候 体质 舌 象 脉 象 怕冷 舌 质 舌苔 虚寒 较弱 嫩[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 警惕药物性心脏骤停 下一个医学论文: 阿奇霉素引起的听力损伤