肺表面活性物质对大鼠肺损伤后氧合功能的影响 |
黄伟雄 宋国维 甘小庄 孙丽萍 李 惠 马广松
摘 要 目的和方法:本研究利用氧自由基所致的大鼠肺损伤模型,对肺损伤后肺表面活性物质(PS)病理改变和外源性PS替代治疗的作用进行了探讨。结果:大鼠气道滴入黄嘌呤和黄嘌呤氧化酶24 h后,PaO2和胸肺顺应性显著下降;肺系数明显增高,组织学观察可见炎症性肺水肿。肺支气管灌洗液分析结果表明PS含量减少,蛋白含量增高。应用外源性PS治疗后,PaO2从处理前32.4±8.6 kPa上升到47.5±2.9 kPa(P<0.01)。结论:(1)肺损伤后的不同阶段PS的病理变化可能是不一致的;(2)外源性PS的替代治疗有明显效果。 关键词 肺顺应性;肺表面活性剂;大鼠
The improvement of oxygenation of injuried lungs by exogenous surfactant replacement in rats
HUANG Wei-Xiong,SONG Guo-Wei,GAN Xiao-Zhuang,SUN Li-Ping,LI Hui,MA Guang-Song Laboratory of Respiratory Function,Capital Institute of Pediatrics,Beijing (100020)
Abstract AIM and METHOD:The change of lung function induced by oxygen free radicals and effect of exogenous surfactant replacement on oxygenation of injuried rat lungs were studied.RESULTS:PaO2 and lung-thorax compliance measured after intratracheal instillation of xanthine and xanthine oxidase were significantly reduced.In morphological study,the increase of lung weight to body weight ratio was demonstrated,and there were perivascular edema and infiltration with neutrophils microscopically.The analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid showed a reduction of surfactant and an increase of protein content.After surfactant administration to injured rats,the lung oxygenation was highly improved with an increase of PaO2 from a means of 32.4 kPa to 47.5 kPa(P<0.01).CONCLUSION:The changes of pulmonary surfactant content differ in the stage of lung injury and that exogenous surfactant replacement therapy might be a rational approach to the treatment of acute respiratory failure caused by various factors. MeSH Lung compliance;Pulmonary surfactant; Rats
肺表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant,PS)的功能改变是急性肺损伤病理改变的重要因素[1]。肺损伤时PS含量下降和活性降低均可导致PS功能不良;对肺损伤时PS病理变化机制的探讨有利于外源性PS替代治疗的临床应用[2]。最近,我们在国内首次报道了利用外源性PS治疗重症肺炎的临床研究结果[3]。1987年,Lachamann等利用氧自由基损伤模型观察PS对急性呼吸衰竭的治疗作用[4];本研究在复制该模型的基础上,对肺损伤后PS病理改变和外源性PS替代治疗作用进行探讨。
材料与方[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 谷氨酰胺对缺氧复氧损伤人小肠上皮细胞谷胱甘肽的影响 下一个医学论文: 重组EB病毒BHRF1蛋白对裸鼠脾细胞程序性死亡的抑制作用