胃泌素和生长抑素对人十二指肠粘膜表皮生长因子含量的影响 |
赵 逵 马淑玉 何永恒 宋 剑 龙小英 高 原 刘模荣
摘 要 目的和方法:通过体外孵育试验,研究胃泌素和生长抑素对十二指肠和十二指肠溃疡(Du)旁粘膜表皮生长因子(EGF)含量的影响。结果:活动期Du旁粘膜EGF含量减少,愈合期含量增高。五肽胃泌素可显著增加粘膜EGF含量;生长抑素类似物奥曲肽可减少愈合期Du旁粘膜EGF含量,并有抑制五肽胃泌素增加EGF含量的作用。结论:十二指肠粘膜EGF含量减少可能是Du的发病因素之一;胃泌素可刺激十二指肠粘膜EGF合成,而生长抑素可抑制胃泌素的作用。 主题词 表皮生长因子-尿抑胃素;胃泌素类;生长抑素;十二指肠溃疡
Effects of gastrin and somatostatin on epidermal growth factor contents in human duodenal mucosa in vitro
ZHAO Kui,MA Shu-Yu,HE Yong-Heng,SONG Jian,LONG Xiao-Ying,GAO Yuan,LIU Mu-Rong Department of Gastroenterology,Affiliated Hospital,Zunyi Medical College,Zunyi(563003)
Abstract AIM and METHODS:Effects of gastrin and somatostatin on duodenal mucosal epidermal growth factor (EGF)contents were studied in normal subjects and patients with duodenal ulcer(Du).After duodenal biopsies were cultured in vitro for 24 h under various experimental conditions,EGF contents in homogenized biopsy specimens were determined by radioimmunoassy.RESULTS:EGF contents in mucosa around ulcer were decreased in active Du and increased in healing Du.EGF contents were increased significantly in normal and Du mucosa,when pentagastrin(100 μg/L and 200 μg/L)was added,and decreased markedly in healing Du mucosa after somatostatin analogue octreotide (10 μg/L and 20 μg/L)was added to the media.Addition of pentagastrin(200 μg/L)and octreotide(20 μg/L)together to the media,EGF contents were not changed in the mucosa of normal and Du.CONCLUSION:The fall of EGF contents in duodenal mucosa may be involved in the pathogenesis of Du.Gastrin can stimulate the production of EGF from duodenal mucosa and somatostatin can inhibite EGF production stimulated by gastrin in the mucosa. MeSH Epidermal growth factor-urogastrone; Gastrins; Somatostatin; Duodenal ulcer
表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor,EGF)是一种含53个氨基酸的多肽因子,具有抑制胃酸分泌、粘膜保护和促进溃疡愈合等多种作用[1]。上消化道EGF产生的主要部位是唾液腺和十二指肠Brunner腺[2]。有关EGF在十二指肠溃疡(duonenal ulcer,Du)发病[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 重型肝炎时中性粒细胞的形态改变 下一个医学论文: 利多卡因对兔内毒素性肺损伤晚期的治疗效应