褐家鼠精母细胞中联会复合体的研究 常染色体联会复合体的发育和偶线期节的研究 |
刘静宇 杨保胜 张传善
摘要 采用表面铺展-SDS处理、硝酸银和磷钨酸(Phosphotungstic acid,PTA)染色电镜技术,研究了褐家鼠精母细胞中常染色体联会复合体(Synaptonemal complex, SC)的发育及偶线期节(Zygotene nodule, ZN)。在褐家鼠精母细胞的细线期,常染色体轴心(Axial cores, ACs )已形成,同源轴心在空间上靠近,偶线期SCs 开始形成,到粗线期SCs 完全形成,于双线期SCs 开始解体。在双线期除了个别SCs 侧生组分分开外,大多数SCs 发生碎片化(fragmentation)。在偶线期未配对的ACs 和SCs 侧生组分及中央组分上均发现电子密度高的球形或椭圆形的节状结构——偶线期节,ZNs 在同源染色体配对过程中起很重要的作用。 关键词 联会复合体,偶线期节,精母细胞,褐家鼠 中图分类号 Q343
Study of the Synaptonemal Complexes in Spermatocytes of the Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicusCaraco) IV. The Study of Zygotene Noduls and Development of Autosomal Synaptonemal Complexes
LIU Jing-Yu1, 3) YANG Bao-Sheng2) ZHANG Chuan-Shan3) (1.Department of Biology,Nanyang Teacher s College,Nanyang,Henan473061) (2.Department of Cell Biology,Xinxiang Medical College,Xinxiang,Henan453003) (3.School of Life Science,Northeast Nomal University,Changchun130024)
Abstract Zygotene nodules(ZNs) and development of the brown ratRattus norvegicus caracohave been studied, by surface spresding with SDS treatment, silver and phosphotungatic acid(PTA) staining techniques. The results as follows: Chromosomal axial cores(ACs) formed during leptotene nuclei in spermatocytes of the brown rat, some homologous axial cores were close to each other. The fomation of SCs starts at zygotene, completed at pachytene and disintegrates at diplotene. In diplotene, lateral elements of a few SCs separate and the presence of fragmented SCs takes place. During zygotene on unpaired ACs and lateral elements and central elements of SCs, there are dense spherical or elliptical nodules-zygotene nodules(ZNs). They play an important part in the process of homologue pairing. Key words Synaptonemal complex,Zygotene nodule,Brown Rat(Rattus norvegicus caraco),Spermatocyte
早期研究联会复合体(Synaptonemal Complex, SC)常采用三维重组方法,1973年Counce和Meyer〔1〕的SC铺展技术的发明,使SC的研究在二维基础上娊校⒌玫焦惴河τ谩*?关于偶线期节(Zygotene nodu[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 黄颡鱼染色体的C 下一个医学论文: 重型肝炎时中性粒细胞的形态改变