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耿德贵 张大生 程伟 邹寿昌 陈刚

  摘要 采用Giemas染色、C-带、Ag-NORs、荧光染色和复制带显带的技术对黄颡鱼染色体进行了研究。结果表明, 黄颡鱼只有部分的染色体呈现阳性C-带, 可分为三类, 其中NORs区是染色最深、染色面积最大的区域, 为深染居间C-带。其Ag-NORs位于m5q末端。CMA3染色显示 NORs区呈现出明亮的荧光。中复制染色体上着丝粒区、端粒区和居间区浅染。发现核仁缢痕、深染居间C-带、Ag-NORs、CMA3明亮区和中复制带浅染NORs区位置基本一致, C-带阳性区和中复制带浅染区具有对应性。
  关键词 黄颡鱼,C-带,Ag-NORs,荧光染色,复制带
  中图分类号 Q343

Chromosome Studies inPelteobagrus fulvidracoby C-banding,Ag-NORs, Fluorochrome Staining and Replication Banding

GENG De-Gui ZHANG Da-Sheng CHENG Wei ZOU Shou-Chang CHEN Gang
(Department of Biology,Xuzhou Normal University of Jiangsu Province,Xuzhou221009)

  Abstract Metaphase chromosomes of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco were analyzed by means of Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag-NORs, fluorochrome staining and replication banding. Only parts of chromosomes showed C-band positive, the C-band heterochromatin was located in three regions. The NORs-bearing chromosomes had the largest and strongest C-bands. The long arms of chromosome pair 5 were the regions showing positive labeling with Ag-staining. Fluorochrome CMA3positively stained the NORs. In mid-period, negative replication bands were located in the centromere, the terminal and interstitial regions of the chromosomes. The distributions of secondary ?constri-ctions, positive C-bands, Ag-NORs, positive fluorescence bands and negative replication bands of mid-period were coincident.
  Key words Pelteobagrus fulvidraco,C-banding,Ag-NORs,Fluorochrome staining,Replication banding

  近几年来, 经过国内外不少学者的共同努力, 不少显带技术在鱼类染色体上获得了初步成功。其中C-带、Ag-NORs、CMA3荧光染色和复制带等获得了比较满意的结果, 而G-带、Q-带和R-带等图象很不理想。主要原因, 一方面是鱼类染色体一般数目多形态小〔1〕, 另一方面是鱼类染色体显带的困难与它们的染色体DNA组成有关。目前所有资料都表明, 恒温脊椎动物染色体带纹和染色体DNA碱基组成有一定的对应性, 可分为富含GC碱基区和富含AT碱基区。对于鱼类来说, 染色体DNA碱基分区现象不明显或根本就没有分区, 因而显出的带纹很弱或显不出带纹〔2〕。
  黄颡鱼是我国具有重要经济价值的鱼类, 但国内外对于该种鱼的研究仅限于核型和银染。沈俊宝等〔3〕和余先觉等〔1〕分别对黄颡鱼的核型进行了报道, 2n=52。 桂建芳等〔4〕作了有关黄颡鱼银染方面的研究工作。我们采用国内外较新的方法对该种鱼的染色体进行了系统的研究, 为深入探讨鱼类细胞遗传学特征提供了新的资料。

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