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吕雪梅 杨关福 张细权 戴彩润 卢传斌

  摘要 为探讨RAPD标记在家鸡杂种优势预测中的应用价值, 分析了力康白壳蛋鸡纯系的RAPD变异及其与杂种优势的关系。5个纯系内和系间显示出低水平的变异。根据品系间遗传距离DS用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,品系a、e、d聚为一类, 而h、l聚为另一类。简单线性相关分析表明,父系相似系数与F1代的60周龄产蛋数存在正相关而与蛋重的杂种优势率存在负相关;母系相似系数与产蛋数的杂种优势率存在高度负相关。但品系间遗传距离与各性状及其杂种优势率之间没有显著的相关关系。
  关键词 蛋鸡,血液蛋白质多态性,RAPD变异,杂种优势
  中图分类号 Q38,S813.2

Studis of RAPD Variability of Chicken Lines and Its Relationship to Heterosis

LU Xue-Mei YANG Guan-FuZHANG Xi-Quan
(Department of Animal Science,South China Agr.,Guangzhou510642)
DAI Cai-Run LU Chuan-Bin
(Guangzhou State-operated Likang Agriculture Industrial and Commercial Integrated Company Ltd.,Guangzhou510520)

  Abstract To assess the value of RAPD markers for the prediction of heterosis in chicken, analyses of data from a crossbreeding experiment and RAPD assays of 5 Leghorn white shell lines (a, d, e, h, l) were conducted. The RAPD showed a low level of variability within and among 5 lines. The dendrogram was constructed by UPGMA based on inter-line genetic distance (DS), which indicted that 5 lines were clustered into two groups: one consisting of line a, e, d, and the other line h, l. The above results were consistent with the pedigree information of the pure lines. By using linear correlation, it was shown that similarity coeffcient within paternal line was positively correlated with 60-week egg number and negatively correlated with the heterosis for egg weight, and that similarity index within maternal line was highly negatively correlated with the heterosis for egg number. However, no significant correlations between genetic distance and traits or their heterosis were found.
  Key words Egg chicken,Blood protein polymorphism,RAPD variability,Heterosis

  目前, 用RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA)标记研究群体遗传多样性与杂种优势的关系〔1, 2〕,还未见将其应用于畜禽杂交配合力的研究。力康白壳蛋鸡a、d、e、h、l等5个品系自七十年代引进以来,作了大量的保种和配合力测定工作,但缺乏它们在引进前的选育历史及目前群体变异情况的详细资料。本研究分别以血液蛋白质 4 个位点的多态性标记和RAPD标记分析这5个

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