选择作用下家鸡淀粉酶的遗传多态性研究 基因频率分化 相关效应估计和标记辅助选择 |
吴晓林 肖千钧 项可宁 戴英红
摘要 对“三黄”鸡4个品系的血液淀粉酶(Amy-1)基因频率进行了估计, 结果表明: Amy-1基因频率具有明显的品系特异性, 父系Amy-1A高; 母系Amy-1B频率高。人工选择可能是导致两个具有相同遗传来源的品系(Ⅱ系和Ⅲ系)Amy-1基因频率发生分化的原因。利用线性模型估计了Amy-1基因的加性效应,结果表明:Amy-1B有利于产蛋性能, 而Amy-1A有利于体重和蛋重的提高。标记辅助选择试验结果表明, 选择Amy-1遗传型来改变家禽品系类型是可能的, 但效果有限, 因此, 对Amy-1的选择应结合于综合的选择方案之中。 关键词 淀粉酶,遗传多态性,遗传标记,选择试验 中图分类号 Q38,S831.2
Plasma Amylase Polymorphism under Selection
WU Xiao-Lin XIAO Qian-Jun XIANG Ke-Ning (Hunan Institute of Animal and Veterinary Science,Changsha410131) DAI Ying-Hong (Hongjiang Poultry Breeding Farm of Hunan Province,Hongjiang418200)
Abstract Gene frequencies at Amy-1 locus were estimated in 4 grand-parent lines of yellow broilers. The results indicated that the male lines exhibited higher frequency of Amy-1A while the female lines were featured by higher frequency of Amy-1B. Differentiation in gene frequencies at Amy-1 locus in line Ⅱ and Ⅲ, which were of identical origin, might be attributable to varied history of selection. Estimation of genotypic and gene effects suggested that Amy-1B was associated with higher laying performance, while Amy-1A was favorable for increased body and egg weights. It was also revealed that changing types of poultry lines by means of altering genotypes at locus Amy-1 was feasible, but its effect was limited. Accordingly, it is preferable to incoporate biochemical marker-assisted selection into complex programs of selection. Key words amylase, genetic polymorphism, selection experiments, genetic makers
血液蛋白(酶)多态基因作为遗传标记在国内外广泛用于探讨畜禽品种的起源, 分析种群遗传结构, 揭示不同品种的特点及类缘关系,以及估测杂种优势〔1~2〕。在这些血液蛋白质(酶)之中, 家鸡血液淀粉酶多态性(Amylase polymorphism)引起人们的广泛关注。血液中发现的淀粉酶多态性位点至少有3个〔3~6〕,其中研究较多的是Amy-1。Amy-1座位是由4个呈等显性遗传的复等位基因Amy-1A、Amy-1B、Amy-1C 和Amy-1D 分别控制着4条酶区带的表现〔3~4〕。人们对于Amy-1座位的关注, 不仅在于人们广泛地用它作为遗传标记, 研究群体遗传结构, 而且由于它可能与经济性状或生活力存在着某种内在的联系〔7〕, 因而可能借助Amy-1基因频率的改变构建不同类型的专门化品系(吴显华等, 第3届全国畜禽遗传标记研讨会论文集, 1991)。一些家鸡品种存在[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 运用AFLP技术筛选分离野败型水稻mtDNA中与雄性不育性状相关的片段 下一个医学论文: 蛋鸡品系RAPD变异及其与杂种优势关系的分析