等温核酸序列扩增检测不同临床阶段的HIV |
颜苹苹 严延生 邵一鸣 陈舸
摘要: [目的] 开展HIV-1血浆病毒载量(VL)的检测,探讨我省不同临床阶段HIV感染者血浆VL水平与其临床表现、预后之间的关系。 [方法] 定期随访我省1992~1999年发现的部分无症状HIV感染者和有艾滋病相关综合征/艾滋病的病人(各4例),并采集外周血。应用等温核酸序列扩增技术(NASBA)测定各病例的血浆HIV-1病毒载量(VL)。在随访中1例出现临床进展,进行了第2次VL测定(间隔6个月)。[结果] 不同临床阶段的HIV感染者8例(9份血浆)全部检出HIV-1 RNA,敏感性达100%。有症状HIV感染者的VL显著高于无症状感染者,分别为(4.890±0.336) lg/ml和(3.618±0.206) lg/ml。在随访期间出现临床进展者前后两次的VL分别为3.778 lg/ml和4.531 lg/ml,升高0.753 lg 。[结论] 上述8例我省不同临床阶段的HIV感染者体内均存在活跃的HIV病毒复制,但其复制水平可能与感染者的临床阶段和预后有一定关系。 关键词: HIV-1感染;病毒载量;等温核酸序列扩增技术(NASBA) 中图分类号: R 512.91 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2705(2000)03-0001-03
Detection of HIV-1 Viral Load in Plasma by Isothermal Amplification (NASBA) at Various Stage of HIV-1 Infection
YAN Pingping, YAN Yansheng (Fujian Centers for Disease Control, Fuzhou 350001, China ) SHAO Yiming
Abstract [Objective] To detect HIV-1 RNA in plasma at various stage of HIV-1 infection, and identify their virus loads (VL) for exploring the relationship between VL and either clinical manifestation or prognoses. [Methods] HIV-1 viral load in plasma of 4 asymptomatic and another 4 symptomatic patients infected with HIV-1 founded in Fujian during 1992~1999 was regularly tested by isothermal nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA). Except the one had clinical progress, their plasma were secondly tested at an interval of 6 months. [Results] Irrespective of their stage of HIV-1 infection, all 8 cases had detectable HIV-1 RNA in plasma, But the viral load in plasma from the symptomatic cases were significantly higher than the asymptomatic cases (P<0.001), (4.890±0.336) lg copies/ml and (3.618 ± 0.206) lg copies/ml respectively. For the subject observing clinical progress, his second VL increased 0.753 lg. [Conclusion] HIV-1 were actively replicated in vivo in 8 cases infected HIV-1 in Fujian. And it seems also a close relation between HIV-1 viral load and either clinical manife[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: CR用于诊断人类埃立克体病方法的建立 下一个医学论文: 作物杂种优势的遗传学基础