雷公藤甲素对异种神经移植后神经再生的影响 |
丁文龙 刘德明 温蔚
【摘要】 目的 探讨雷公藤甲素对异种神经移植后神经再生的影响。 方法 将日本大耳兔的神经移植于Wistar大鼠坐骨神经后,宿主服用雷公藤甲素。 结果 大鼠存活4、8、12、16、24周,可见再生神经纤维长入移植神经并向远段坐骨神经生长。移植神经和远段神经内的再生神经纤维中有髓纤维和无髓纤维兼有之,大部分再生神经纤维聚集成束。术后12周的腓肠肌AChE呈阳性,并可见再生神经纤维与运动终板相连。12周以后的爪部皮下出现再生神经束,真皮层出现游离神经末梢。未服用雷公藤甲素的对照组因免疫排斥反应而神经不能再生。结论 雷公藤甲素在异种神经移植中具有免疫抑制作用。 【关键词】 异种神经移植 神经再生 运动终板 感觉神经末梢 雷公藤甲素 大鼠 兔
Ding Wenlong△ Liu Deming Wen Wei (Department of Anatomy,Jiangxi Medical College.Nanchang 330006)
【Abstract】 Objective In the present experiment,the effect of tripterygium wifordii hook on nerve regeneration in heterograft was explored.Methods The rats were given tripterygium wilfodii hook preparation(C6H1(13)(14)O6) after nerve grafting from rabbits (Japanese big ear stain,as donor)to rats(Wistar,as recipient). Results At 4,8,12,16 and 24 weeks after grafting,it was found that regenerating nerve fibers grew into the graft nerve and extended to the distal nerve segment.In the graft nerve and distal nerve segment,both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers of regenerating nerve were seen.Most of them were arranged in fascicles.Twelve weeks after grafting,gastrocnemius muscle showed positive AChE reaction and the regenerating nerve fibers connected with motor endplates.The regenerating nerve fascicles in subcutaneous tissus of the claws and the free nerve endings in derma were seen.In the control group without Tripterygium wilfordii hook,no nerve regeneration occurred due to the immune rejection. Conclusion The Tripteryguim wilfordii hook might play a role of immunodepression in the nerve heterografting. 【Key words】 Heterografting; Nerve regeneration; Motor endplates; Sensory nerve endings; Tripterygium wilfordii hook; Rat; Rabbit
周围神经缺损使其支配区域功能丧失,这在临床较常见。异种神经来源丰富,但其存在的抗原性使之移植后因免疫排斥反应而难以存活。有报道异种神经移植前的先期处理[1~4]能减弱或消除异种神经的抗原性,移植后未被排斥、宿主的再生神经纤维能再生,并[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 切断下丘脑漏斗后对主动脉壁的影响 下一个医学论文: 大鼠骶尾腹内侧肌的运动神经分布 CB