胚胎不同器官的细胞连接蛋白基因表达研究 |
张建湘 李桂源 张小慧
【摘要】 目的 探索胚胎不同分化阶段、不同器官中细胞连接蛋白基因的表达规律及其与细胞分化的关系。方法 采用Connexin系列基因探针,通过Northern印迹法,对不同胎龄的不同胚胎器官中Cx基因表达状态进行了研究。 结果 (1)胚胎期肝、胃、肺、肾等器官中Cx31、Cx46、Cx31.1不表达。(2)胚胎不同发育阶段连接蛋白基因呈不同表达状态。如Cx26、Cx43在3个月胎龄的肝脏中高度表达、Cx32从第5周至第5月都呈高度表达;(3)连接蛋白基因表达有器官差异性,肝Cx32、胃Cx37、肺Cx40和肾Cx43基因高度表达。(4)连接蛋白基因在各器官中表达又有交叉性,Cx26在上述肝、胃、肾等器官中呈不同表达状态。(5)细胞连接蛋白基因的表达状态与组织细胞的分化基本一致。 结论 它们可能是调节胚胎组织分化、细胞增殖及形态发生过程中某些分化事件的关键性候选基因。 【关键词】 连接蛋白 基因 表达 胚胎
Zhang Jianxiang, Li GuiyuanΔ, Zhang Xiaohui (Department of Histology and Embryology Hunan Medical University,Changsha)
【Abstract】 Objective In order to investigate the relationship between the expression regulation of Cx genes and cellular differentiation in various organs during embryonic development.Methods Using connexin genes Cx26,Cx31,Cx31.1,Cx32,Cx37,Cx40,Cx43 and Cx46 as the molecular probes,the Northern blot hybrydization was done,we studied the expression level of Cx genes in different stages of embryonic organs.Results The results demonstrated that:1.Cx31,Cx31.1 and Cx46 don t express while other Cx genes express in the liver,stomach,lung and kidney of different stages of embryonic organs.2.The expression of Cx genes show different level in various organs at different development stages of embryogenesis.3.The expression of Cx genes shows the organic diversity,for instance,the expression of Cx32 in liver,Cx37 in stomach,Cx40 in lung and Cx43 in kidney of embryonic organs.4. The expression of Cx genes is overlapping in various organs.In above organs,Cx26 presents different states of expression .5.The expression level of Cx genes is unanimous with cellular differentiation.Conclusion Cx gene might be a key condidate gene to regulate some differentiational events associated with cellular differentiation,proliferation,morphogenesis in early embryo. 【Key Words】 Connexin[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 常量环磷酰胺治疗成人Still病致心肌损害1例 下一个医学论文: 人鼻咽不同部位粘膜上皮PCNA表达的比较研究