可必特气雾剂对哮喘患者的支气管扩张作用 |
李承红 孙怡君 林榕 徐亚宁 沈继奋
摘 要 目的: 探讨吸入可必特气雾剂(溴化异丙托品与 沙丁胺醇混合气雾剂)及两者单一制剂对哮喘患者的支气管扩张作用。 方法: 通过28例哮喘患者先后吸入可必特气雾剂、 溴化异丙托品气雾剂(爱喘乐气雾剂)和沙 丁胺醇气雾剂(喘乐宁气雾剂), 分别观察吸入后肺功能变化及副作用。 结果: 吸入可必特气雾剂在15, 30 min FEV1的改善情况高于单吸溴化异丙托品气雾剂( P<0.01); 180, 360 min FEV1的改善情况高于单吸沙丁胺醇气雾剂(P<0.01) ; 吸入沙丁胺醇15 min起效, 吸入溴化异丙托品60 min起效, 两者FEV1、 FVC的最大 改善情况差异无显著性(P>0.05), 副作用三者间无明显差异。 结论: 可必特气雾剂对气道扩张作用起效快、 维持时间长, 优于单药应用, 是目前最理想的 支气管扩张剂。 关键词 可必特气雾剂 哮喘 支气管扩张
The Broncho-dilating Effect of Combivent Aerosol on Patients with Asthma
Li Chenghong, Sun Yijun, Lin Rong, Xu Yaning, Shen Jifen (Department of Respiratory Diseases, Wuhan Municipal Staff Medical College, Wuhan 430000, P.R.China)
ABSTRACT To explore the broncho-dilating effect of Combivent, a mixture aerosol of Ipratropium Br. and Salbutamol sulphate and compare its effect with those of the effect of separate use of each ingredient, 28 patients with asthma were asked to inhale Combivent, Ipratropium Br (Atrovent) and Salbutamol suphate (Ventolin) aerosol at different time and were observed for the changes in lung functions and side effects. Our results showed that improvement in FEV1 15 and 30 min after inhalation of Combivent was greater than those after inhalation of Atrovent(P<0.01); FEV1 180 and 360 min after inhalation of Combivent was greater than those after inhalation of Ventolin(P<0.01); The Ventolin began to work 15 min after inhalation and Atrovent started to show effect 60 min after inhalation, without any significant difference found in the greatest improvement on FEV1 and FVC between them (P>0.05). No significant differences in side effects were revealed among the three agents. It is concluded that Combivent is quick in dilating bronchi and the effects last longer as compared with separate use of its component. KEY WORDS Combivent; Aerosol; Asthma; Bronchodilation
可必特气雾剂是一种新型混合(溴化异丙托品与沙丁胺醇混合)气雾剂 , 作用 于交感、 副交感神经, 同时舒张大、 中、 小气管, 延长作用时间。 本文研究可必特气 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 非诺特罗氢溴化物加溴化异丙托品驱动雾化吸入治疗儿童哮喘急性发作自身对照研究 下一个医学论文: 口服常量雷尼替丁胶囊致左乳腺增生