替尼泊苷加司莫司汀治疗脑转移瘤的临床对照试验 |
冯纪祥 徐崇明 任庆荣 张九成
摘 要 目的: 回顾性分析放疗(R)联合替尼泊苷+司莫司 汀化疗(C)治疗脑转移瘤的疗效和毒副反 应。 方法: 1993年3月~1998年12月间收治放疗加化疗(R+C)病人30例, 与同 期收治的单纯放疗(R)42例进行观察比较。 结果:12个月、 >12个月生存 率及 局部控制率R+C组分别为26.7%, 23.3%和40.0%, R组分别为16.2%, 2.4%和19.0%。 >12 个月生 存率及局部控制率两组间具有差异显著性(P<0.05)。 胃肠道反应、 脱发等两组基 本相似, 白细胞下降R+C组为90.0%, 其中Ⅲ度占33.3%, R组为73.8%, 无Ⅲ度及Ⅳ 度。 结论: R+C组疗效优于R组, 但骨髓抑制亦较明显。 关键词 替尼泊苷 司莫司汀 脑转移瘤 对照试验
The Clinical Control Study on the Effect of Teniposide plus Semusfine on Metastatic Brain Tumors
Feng Jixiang, Xu Chongming, Ren Qingrong, Zhang Jiucheng (Hubei Tumor Hospital, Wuhan 470079, P.R.China)
ABSTRACT To study the toxicity and side effect of teniposide (VM-26) plus semustine (MeCCNU), combined with radiotherapy, in the patients with metastatic brain tumor, from March 1993, to Dec. 1998, 30 patients were treated with radiotherapy and combined chemotherapy (VM-26 plus MeCCNU) (R+C group). The results were compared with those of patients receiving radiotherapy along (R group) at same time in our hospital. The 12 and over 12 month survival rates and local control rate were 26.7%, 23.3% and 40% in R+C group and they were 16.2%, 2.4% and 19% in R group, respectively. There were significant differences in over 12-month survival and local control rate (P<0.05). The side effects such as gastrointestinal reactions and hair loss were similar. The WBC reduction was 90% in R+C group, with Ⅲ degree amounting to 33.3% and it was 73.8% in R group. No grade Ⅲ and Ⅳ patients were noted. The radiotherapy and combined chemotherapy (VM-26 plus MeCCNU) was superior to radiotherapy alone but its bone marrow depression was also stronger. KEY WORDS VM-26; Metastatic brain tumor; Control study
早在80年代替尼泊苷(VM-26)应用于肿瘤临床就受到了极大关注。 单用或 与其他药物联合应用治疗多种实体瘤也有报道[1]。 为了进一步观察VM-26+司莫 司汀(MeCCNU)治疗脑转移瘤的疗效和毒副反应, 我们对30例患者做了放疗同步化疗(R+C)的 观察, 选用同期42例单纯放疗(R)进行比较, 现将观察结果报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 1993年3月~1[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 凝血酶与碳酸氢钠治疗重症肺炎并发消化道出血的临床对照试验 下一个医学论文: 非诺特罗氢溴化物加溴化异丙托品驱动雾化吸入治疗儿童哮喘急性发作自身对照研究