凝血酶与碳酸氢钠治疗重症肺炎并发消化道出血的临床对照试验 |
罗宏英 袁雄伟
摘 要 目的: 应用凝血酶与碳酸氢钠治疗重症肺炎并发 消化道出血的临床对比。 方法: 将2 000U~ 4 000U凝血酶溶于50~1 00 mL 0.9%盐水或冰牛奶中, 短时间内分次口服或鼻饲注入, 每6 h重复应用, 并与碳酸氢钠 洗胃 止血时间进行比较。 根据抽吸胃液中有无血液或咖啡样物质判断是否止血。 结果 : 凝血酶止血所需时间短, 显效率77.08%, 总有效率93.75%, 碳酸氢钠洗胃止 血显 效率47.62%, 总有效率78.57%, 经统计学处理, P<0.05, 二者差异显著。 结论: 凝血酶止血显效率明显优于碳酸氢钠组, 同时避免了因碳酸氢钠产气所 致胃扩张及胸廓顺应性降低等副作用。 关键词 凝血酶 重症肺炎 消化道出血 胸廓顺应性
The Control Study on Effect of Thrombin and Bicarbonate Sodium on Sever Pneumonia Complicated with Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
Luo Hongying, Yuan Xiongwei (Shenzhen Chileren Hospital, ShenZhen 518026, P.R.China)
ABSTRACT To study the effect of thrombin and bicarbonate sodium on sever pneumonia complicated with gastrointestinal hemorrhage, 2 000-4000 U thrombin was in normal saline 50-100 ml saline and iced milk and was repeatedly administered orally or by nasal feeding with an interval of 6 hours. The results were compared with those of gastric lavage of bicarbonate sodium alone. The hemostatic effect was judged by observing the blood or coffee-like substances in gastric fluid collected. Our results showed that thrombin is quick in achieving hemostatic effect and the effective rate was 77.8%, with a total effective rate of 93.75%. The effective rate of gastric lavage by bicarbonate sodium was 47.63%, with a total effective rate 78.57%. Statistical analysis showed that the difference was significant (P<0.05). Our study suggested that thrombin is better than bicarbonate sodium in hemostatic effect and it can avoid the lowered thoracic compliance caused by use of bicarbonate sodium and other effects. KEY WORDS Thrombin; Severe pneumonia; Gastrointestinal tract; Thoracic compliance
消化道出血是重症肺炎的一种严重并发症, 目前国内多采用碳酸氢 钠洗胃止 血, 但存在一定弊病; 用抑酸药止血价格昂贵, 患者难以支付; 用凝血酶治疗成人消化 道出血已有很多报道, 但局部应用凝血酶治疗小儿重症肺炎并发消化道出血, 报道很少。 现将我院1993年8月~1996年8月, 90例重症肺炎并发消化道出血住院患儿治疗结果报道如 下:
1 对象和方法
1.1 观察对象 1993年8月~1996年8月住院的重症肺炎并发消化道出血患儿90例,[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 抗肿瘤药对膀胱癌细胞产生的免疫抑制因子作用的影响 下一个医学论文: 替尼泊苷加司莫司汀治疗脑转移瘤的临床对照试验