诱导型一氧化氮合酶在强啡肽致脊髓损伤中的作用 |
胡文辉 杨慧芬 强文安 孙秀君 刘 娜 万选才 刘景生 任民峰 李 芳 王国强 肖 剑 廖维宏
摘 要 目的:探讨诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)在强啡肽致脊髓损伤中的作用。方法:[3H]-左旋精氨酸转化法测定腹侧和背侧脊髓iNOS活性,原位杂交法观测脊髓iNOS mRNA表达及其细胞分布。结果:大鼠蛛网膜下腔注射(InI)强啡肽A1-17(Dyn) 20 nmol引起持久性截瘫和迟发性神经元死亡;在Dyn致瘫后2~3 h iNOS mRNA表达开始增多增强,4 h达高峰,24 h和48 h仍见广泛表达,其分布以胶质细胞和大运动神经元为主;腹侧脊髓iNOS活性在Dyn致瘫后4 h显著升高,并持续至24 h和48 h;提前10 min InI选择性iNOS抑制剂氨基胍1 μmol可显著对抗Dyn 20 nmol引起的持久瘫及伤后4 h腹侧脊髓iNOS活性升高。结论:iNOS持续性高表达与Dyn致脊髓损伤机制有关。 主题词 强啡肽;一氧化氮;脊髓损伤
Increases of inducible nitric oxide synthase activity and mRNA expression in rat spinal cord after dynorphin neurotoxicity
HU Wen-Hui, YANG Hui-Fen, LI Fang, QIANG Wen-An, SUN Xiu-Jun, LIU Na, WAN Xuan-Cai, LIU Jing-Sheng, REN Min-Feng, WANG Guo-Qiang, XIAO Jian, LIAO Wei-Hong Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing(100005)
Abstract AIM:To explore the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in dynorphin-induced spinal cord injury. METHODS:The iNOS activities in ventral and dorsal spinal cord were measured with [3 H]-L-Arginine conversion. The iNOS mRAN expression and its cell distribution were detected with in situ hybridization.RESULTS:Intrathecal injection of dynorphin A1-17 (Dyn) 20 nmol induced permant paraplegia and delayed neuronal death.The iNOS mRNA expression began to increase at 2~3 h, peaked at 4 h and remained extensive at 24~48 h after Dyn spinal neurotoxicity, predominantly in glia cells and large motoneurons. The iNOS activities in ventral cord significantly increased at 4 h and persisted up to 24~48 h. Intrathecal pretreatment with aminoguanidine 1 μmol, a selective iNOS inhibitor, 10 min before Dyn 20 nmol significantly ameliorated Dyn-induced neurological outcome and antagonized the increase of iNOS activities at 4 h after Dyn neurotoxicity. CONCLUSION:Persistent high expression of iNOS might be involved in the pathophysiology of dynorphin-induced spina[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 异丙嗪对家兔EGTA性发热的解热作用及其机制研究 下一个医学论文: 脂多糖对化学诱癌大鼠抗氧化系统的选择性损害作用