高糖加高胰岛素对人血管平滑肌细胞增殖及细胞内游离钙水平的影响 |
张学亮 舒昌达 何军
摘 要 目的:了解高糖加高胰岛素对人血管平滑肌细胞(HVSMC)增殖的影响及其有关机制。方法:用含与不含维拉帕米(Ver)的高糖、高胰岛素、高糖加高胰岛素DMEM培养液分别培养人脐动脉平滑肌细胞3.5 d;并以正常糖(5.6 mmol/L葡萄糖)DMEM培养液培养为对照。结果:高糖、高胰岛素、高糖加高胰岛素培养液培养的各组HVSMC计数及细胞内游离钙水平均显著高于对照组和含1 μmol Ver的高糖、高胰岛素、高糖加高胰岛素培养液培养的各组(P<0.01)。高糖加高胰岛素培养液培养组HVSMC计数及细胞内游离钙水平显著高于高糖、高胰岛素培养液培养的各组(P<0.01)。 结论:高糖加高胰岛素具有协同促进HVSMC增殖的作用,这主要是通过增加细胞膜上钙通道开放而实现的。 主题词 增殖;钙;肌,平滑,血管;葡萄糖;胰岛素;维拉帕米
Effect of high concentration glucose plus high concentration insulin on proliferation and free Ca2+ level in human smooth muscle cells
ZHANG Xue-Liang,SHU Chang-Da,HE Jun Department of Endocrinology,First Affiliated Hospital,Chongqing University of Medical Science,Chongqing(400016)
Abstract AIM:To find out that effect of high concentration glucose(Glu)plus high concentration insulin(Ins) on proliferation and free Ca2+level in human vascular smooth muscle cells(HVSMCs) and its mechanism.METHOD:Smooth muscle cells from human umbilical artery were cultured in Dulbecco s modified eagle medium (DMEM) with 5.6 mmol/L Glu(control,group 1,n=9),DMEM with 27.8 mmol/L Glu(group 2,n=9),DMEM with 500 mU/L Ins(group 3,n=9),DMEM with 27.8 mmol/L Glu plus 500mU/L Ins(group 4,n=9),DMEM with 1 μmol/L verapamil (Ver)plus 27.8 mmol/L Glu (group 5,n=9),DMEM with l μmol/L Ver plus 500mU/L Ins(group 6,n=9)DMEM with 1 μmol/L Ver plus 27.8 mmol/L Glu and 500 mU/L Ins(group 7,n=9)for 3.5 days.RESULTS:The cell count and free Ca2+level of HVSMCs in group 2,3,4 were significantly higher than those of HVSMCs in control and group 5,6,7(P<0.01).The cell count and free Ca2+level of HVSMCs in group 4 were significantly higher than those of HVSMCs in group 2,3(P<0.01).CONCLUSION:High concentration glucose plus high concentration insulin coordinately promote proliferation of HVSMCs,and the effect is realized by increasing open of calcium ion channel in membranes. MeSH Proliferation; Calcium;Muscle,smooth,vascular;Glucose[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 冬虫夏草醇提取物对大鼠缺血再灌注过程心肌保护作用研究 下一个医学论文: 虎杖甙对正常人血管平滑肌细胞内钙和膜电位的调节作用