再生障碍性贫血与丙型和戊型肝炎病毒相关性的研究 |
郭秀枝 谭广销 杨力建 Howard University (U.S.A.Washington DC) 范洪涛 梁实
摘 要 目的和方法:采用RT/PCR和定量酶标标准化的测定方法,检测了先患(丙型或戊型)肝炎后患再生障碍性贫血和先患再生障碍性贫血后患丙型(或戊型)肝炎的阳性率,并与对照组比较。结果:血清组中HCV-RNA的阳性率分别是57.9%和28.9%,二者差异显著(P<0.05);HEV-RNA阳性率分别是24%和25.9%,二者差异不显著(P>0.05)。在单个核细胞组中HCV-RNA阳性率分别为11.8%和10.5%;HEV-RNA的阳性率分别为0%和3.7%;HEV-RNA在粪便中的阳性率32%和37%,均无显著差异。结论:丙型和戊型肝炎病毒不直接影响造血细胞的基因表达,仅使造血微环境有一定改变,引起患者自身免疫反应,对造血有一定的影响。 主题词 肝炎病毒,戊型;肝炎病毒,丙型;贫血,再生障碍性
The study on the relativity between hepatitis virus C orE(HCV,HEV) and the occurrance by applying RT/PCR technology to aplastic anemia
GUO Xiu-Zhi,FAN Hong-Tao,LIANG Shi,TAN Guang-Xiao,YANG Li-Jian Dept.of Hematology,Medical College of Jinan University,Guangzhou(510632)
Abstract AIM and METHOD: Virus infection may be one of the causes of aplastic anemia(AA).We adopt the RT/PCR technology to examine the positive rate of HCV-RNA(or HEV-RNA)for the purpose to reveal the relativity associated with the occurrance of AA.RESULTS:In two serum groups,the positive rates of HCV-RNA,those followed by AA(called irrelevant AA),those and AA followed by the hepatitis virus C(called relevant AA),are 57.9% and 28.9% respectively,the difference appears significant(P<0.05),the positive rate of HEV-RNA is 24% and 25%,while the difference is not stricking(P>0.05).However,in mononuclear cell,the positive rate of HCV-RNA is 11.8% and 10.5%,HEV-RNA is 0% and 3.7% respectively,meanwhile,in stool,HEV-RNA is 32% and 37%,all are not stricking(P>0.05).CONCLUSION:The occurrance of AA is not related to virus C and E directly,but virus may activate autoimmune response,which makes influence on micro circulation and interferes with hematopoietic function. MeSH Hepatitis E virus;Hepatitis C virus;Anemia,aplastic
国内丙型和戊型肝炎病毒的感染率较高,尤其是输血后患丙型肝炎的发病率有增高的趋势。本文用RT/PCR-国际标准化酶标的方法检测再生障碍性贫血(简称再障)患者血清和单个核细胞提取物中的HCV-RNA(hepatitis C virus-RNA)和HEV-RNA(hepatitis E virus-RNA)的阳性率,并对丙型(或戊型)肝炎有关再障和无关再障及正常[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 红细胞带 蛋白C1肽链的纯化及其功能的初步研究 下一个医学论文: 茶多酚在体外诱导HL