高原成人颈动脉体的光镜观察和体视学研究 |
卜凤珍 屠道同 程仲谋 才仁卓玛
摘 要 目的:研究高原成人颈动脉体的形态特征。方法:对28例不同海拔高度无明显呼吸和循环系统疾病成人死者的颈动脉体(CB)进行光镜观察,并用Weibel建立的正测试格点计数法,对其主细胞和支持细胞进行体视学研究。结果:高原组主细胞和支持细胞的体密度(Vv)、面密度(Sv)和面数密度(NA)明显高于平原组(P<0.01 或 P<0.05),比表面(δ)明显低于平原组(P<0.01 或 P<0.05)。结论:高原成人CB主细胞和支持细胞明显增生,表现为数量增多,体积增大,且随着海拔高度增加而增加。 主题词 高海拔;成年人;颈动脉体
Light microscopic observation and stereologic study of carotid bodies at high altitude
BU Feng-Zhen, TU Dao-Tong, CHENG Zhong-Mou, CAIREN Zhou-Ma Department of Pathologic, Qinghai Red Cross Hospital, Xining (810000)
Abstract AIM:To study the morphologic features of carotid bodies of adult at hight altitude.MEHTODS:Light microscopic observation of carotid bodies of 28 adult cadavers at different sea levels were performed.No important respiratory and circulatory diseases were found in these cases.We also used Weibel s point counting method to do stereologic statistics analysis of chief cells and sustentacular cells.RESULTS:The volume density(Vv),surface density(Sv) and numerical density on area(NA) of chief cells and sustentacular cells and high altitude group was higher than sea level group(P<0.01 or P<0.05),the specific surface(δ) at high altitude group was lower than sea level group(P<0.01 or P<0.05).CONCLUSION:Significant proliferation of chief cells and sustentacular cells of adult carotid bodies at high altitude,the cells not only increases in number,but also in size,it was observed that increase of aforementioned cells has postitive relevance with height of sea level. MeSH Altitude; Adult; Carotid body
自从1926年De Castro发现颈动脉体(carotid body,CB)对缺氧的敏感性以来[1],低氧环境下CB形态和功能的改变引起了国内外学者的重视,文献报道也较多[3~7],但多为动物实验材料,人体的研究材料较少。尤其对高原成人CB的体视学(或称形态计量学)研究,经文献检索国内外尚未见到。本文应用体视学研究方法[2],对不同海拔成人CB进行了光镜观察及统计分析,为研究高原生理学及病理生理学提供了CB形态学改变的客观数据指标。
材料来自上海、南京和青海不同地区公检法系统尸体解剖,选择18~71岁之间无呼吸和循环系统疾病的尸者共28例。男25例,女3例;汉族23例,藏族3例,回族2例,其中意外伤亡21例,急性胰腺炎3例,中毒4例,均为急死。按海拔高度分[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 晚期糖化终产物受体在糖尿病慢性并发症中的致病机制 下一个医学论文: 心包积液时右心房与心包腔内压力关系的临床研究