小鼠胸腺树突状细胞系的克隆化及基本鉴定 |
裴丽红 刘祝公 陈慰峰
摘 要 目的:应用单细胞培养系统,对本室建成的胸腺基质细胞系MTSC4进行细胞克隆化并鉴定。方法:在单个细胞培养中,扩增由一个细胞长成的克隆,并使之稳定生长后,进行表面标志分子和倍增时间检查,并以其分泌的细胞因子测定其生物学特性及功能。结果:获得14个细胞克隆,它们均表达树突状细胞抗原和MHC-Ⅱ类分子,均无角蛋白,表明各克隆均为树突状细胞,起始的MTSC4也是树突状细胞系。检测了细胞倍增时间和IL-6、趋化因子等细胞因子,从倍增时间和因子产生能力看,各克隆差异很大。结论:从MTSC4细胞系克隆出性状及功能都均一的细胞克隆来看,各克隆间的细胞特性有明显区别。 关键词 胸腺 树突状细胞 细胞克隆 细胞因子 中国图书分类号 R392.11
Manipulation of mouse thymic dendritic cell clones and their characteristics
PEI Li-Hong, LIU Zhu-Gong, CHEN Wei-Feng. Department of Immunology, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083
Abstract Objective:An attempt to develop stable mouse thymic dendritic cell clones with homogeneous characteristics was investigated by adaptation of single cell culture system.Methods:A single cell obtained from the dilution of the established mouse thymic dendritic cell line(MTSC4) was cultured in the well of V-bottomed microtiter plates until the cell cluster was grown up. The grown cell cluster was expanded as single cell clone with stable proliferation capacity.The cloned cells were characterized for their biologic properties and the profile of cytokine production.Results:A total of 14 MTSC4 clones with stable proliferation have been developed.All the cloned cells expressed MHC class II molecules and most were NLDC145+.None of the cloned cells were keratin negative.The double time and IL-6 as well as chemokine production varies among different clones.Conclusion:The mouse thymic dendritic cell clones derived from respective(MTSC4) cell line have successfully been established.The biologic characteristics and cytokine production capacity were varied among different cell clones. Key words Thymus Dendritic cell Cell clone Cytokine
T细胞在胸腺内通过与微环境的相互作用成熟分化。由上皮细胞、成纤维细胞、巨噬细胞及树突状细胞(Dendritic cell, DC)等基质细胞和其分泌的因子及其产生的细胞外基质构成的胸腺微环境,诱导并调节胸腺细胞的增殖与分化[1]。不同发育阶段的T细胞位于胸腺内不同部位,而不同部位胸腺微环境基质细胞的来源、结构和功能也各不相同。因此,对胸腺基质细胞的类型、分布、功能及与T细胞相互作用的效应的研究,是了解T细胞发育过程和机理所必须[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人 型免疫缺陷病毒gag基因在大肠杆菌中的表达 下一个医学论文: 跨膜突变型TNF