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许秀芳 石 镜 李温斌 陈宝田

  摘 要 目的:探讨将外周血单个核细胞(PBMNC)的促血浆凝固活性(PCA)用于急性排斥反应(AGR)监测的可能性。方法:将新西兰白兔随机分为3组:第1组做自体皮肤移植(8只),第2、3组做异体皮肤移植(8、3只),第3组于术前1 d至术后7 d皮下注射环孢霉素A 5 mg/(kg.d)。术后每天观察移植皮片的变化。术前1 d及术后隔日取耳缘静脉血测PCA和激活淋巴细胞计数,同时取移植皮肤组织作病理检查。结果:同种异体皮肤移植动物在出现AGR前,其PBMNC离体后不经培养即表现较强的促凝活性(SPCA),经供体抗原刺激后的PCA(DAgPCA)活性也于AGR 前开始增强,而且表明具有抗原特异性。结论:PCA检测方法在AGR早期监测方面有一定的应用前景。
  关键词 皮肤移植 急性排斥反应 PCA
  中国图书分类号 R392.7

Study on monitoring acute graft rejection by PCA of MNC

XU Xiu-Fang, SHI Jing, LI Wen-Bin et al.
Department of Cellular Immunology, Beijing Heart Lung and Blood Vessel Institute, Beijing 100029

  Abstract Objective:The sequential changes of procoagulant activity(PCA) level in mononuclear cells (MNC) of rabbits which received skin allograft were studied in the paper in order to assess it as a marker for monitoring of acute graft rejection (AGR). Methods:New Zealand white rabbits(NZW)were random divided into three groups: rabbits in group 1(control) received autogenous skin transplants; rabbits in group 2, 3 received allogenic skin transplants(a grey rabbit as a donor), and rabbits in group 3 were treated with cyclosporin A (CsA) at 5 mg/(kg.d) once daily subcutaneously for up to 9 days since the day before operation. Heparinized peripheral blood was drawn from each animal on the day of the operation and every other day after the operation. MNC were separated by Ficoll-Hypaque before PCA measurement. The activated lymphocytes were counted at the same time. Morphologic changes of the skin grafts were observed every day after transplant operation. Results:PBMNC of the animals which received allograft had larger amounts of PCA before the day of AGR, in addition, donor antigen during culture of PBMNC further enhanced PCA(DAgPCA) level in animals with AGR. Conclusion:PCA may be as markers of AGR. DAgPCA is a specific marker.
  Key words Skin allograft Acute graft rejection PCA


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