抗子宫内膜抗体和子宫内膜异位症 |
李伟毅 陆勇娟② 朱云凤 程丽萍 席晔斌 陈广洁 周文达③
摘 要 目的:研究抗子宫内膜抗体(EMAb)与子宫内膜异位症(内异症)的关系。方法:改良法提取、纯化正常人及内异症患者的子宫内膜抗原(EMAg),分析其氨基酸组成,并用SDS-PAGE及Western blot 分析两者蛋白质组成及抗原特异性;建立ELISA方法并测定、分析正常人及内异症患者血清EMAb。结果:正常人EMAg有2条蛋白质条带(48.0 kD和大于97.4 kD);内异症患者则有3条蛋白质条带(46.0、54.0和大于97.4 kD),前者仅1条蛋白质条带(大于97.4 kD),后者则3条蛋白质条带可与EMAb特异反应,且两者在氨基酸组成上亦有差异;内异症患者血清EMAb阳性率明显高于正常人及非内异症(其它妇科疾病)患者。结论:EMAb与内异症密切相关。 关键词 子宫内膜异位症 子宫内膜抗原 抗子宫内膜抗体 中国图书分类号 R392.32 R711.71
Antiendometrial Antibody and Endometriosis
LI Wei-Yi, LU Yong-Juan, ZHU Yun-Feng et al. Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai Institute of Immunology Shanghai 200025
Abstract Objective To study the relationship between the antiendometrial antibodies (EMAb) and the endometroisis. Methods: A modified isolation method of endometrial antigen (EMAg) has been developed; amino acids of the EMAg was analysed by SDS-PAGE and Western Blot; the serum levels of the EMAb were detected by ELISA between the normal human and the patient with the endometriosis. Results There are two bands in the normal human EMAg, including 48 .0 kD and larger than 97.4 kD, the latter can react specifically with the EMAb. But, there are three bands in the patients with endometriosis, including 46.0 kD、54.0 kD and larger than 97.4 kD, in which all three bands can react with the EMAb. In another, there are different animo acids in kind and contents in the EMAg between the normal human and patients with the endometriosis. There are significantly different in serum EMAb between the patients with the endometriosis and non-endometriosis as well as the normal human (P<0.05). Conclusion There are significantly relationship between the EMAb and the endometriosis. Key words Endometriosis Endometrial antigen Antiendometrial antibody
子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,简称内异症)好发于中青年妇女,发病率高达4%~17%,常可导致不育,不孕率高达30%~40%。 研究证明,内异症的发生与自身免疫密切相关,异位的子宫内膜作为抗原刺激患者的免疫系统,引发自身免疫、导致疾病。所以内异症患者常可出现自身抗体—&[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 卵巢癌标志物CA125酶联免疫吸附分析法的建立 下一个医学论文: 单个核细胞促血浆凝固活性监测急性排斥反应的实验研究