中国人群DXS102座位多态性鉴定及其应用 |
包贇 卢大儒 施前 徐红岩 邱信芳 薛京伦
【摘要】 目的 探讨中国人群中DXS102座位的多态分布。方法 应用PCR扩增片段 长度多态性(Amp-FLP)研究了无亲缘关系的234条X染色体。结果 DXS102座位等位片段有 8个,核心单元AC二核苷酸重复数为13~21,频率分布在0.013~0.156之间,杂合度观察 值和无偏估测值分别为0.87和0.80,多态信息含量(PIC)0.80,女性基因型数为22个,男 性基因型数为8个,该座位多态分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律。DXS102座位在中国人 群和欧洲人群的分布有明显的种族差异,在中国人群中发现了两个新的等位片段。应用DXS 102座位的短串联重复序列多态性对一接受基因治疗的血友病B家系进行分析和携带者筛查。 结论 DXS102座位连锁分析有望成为一种有效的血友病B基因诊断的方法。
【关键词】 中国人群 DXS102座位 短串联重复 遗传多态性 血友病B 基因诊断
DETERMINATION OF THE POLYMORPHISM OF DXS102 LOCUS AND ITS APPLICATION IN GENE DIAGNOSIS Bao Yun, Lu Daru, Shi Qian, Xu Hongyan, Qiu Xingfang, Xue Jinlun*. *Genetic Institute, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433 【Abstract】 Objective To determine the polymorphism of DXS102 and use it in gene diagnosis in hemophilia B. Methods Amp-FLP and linkage analysis on234 chromosomes. Results Eight alleles were found at DXS102 locus. The numberof AC dinucleotide repeats ranged from 13 to 21. And theobserved heterozygosity,calculated heterozygosity and polymorphism information content(PIC) were 0.87, 0.80 and 0.80, respectively. It was noted that the difference of the allelefrequenciesof DXS102 in Chinese and European populations was significant. Byusing the linkage analysis of the DXS102 locus, a family with a hemophilia Bpatient receivinggene therapy in 1994 was analyzed and a carrier in that family was then detected.Conclusion The polymorphism of DXS102 locus reveals significant difference between Chinese and European populations. DXS102 locus can be used as a promising marker for gene diagnosis in hemophilia B family.
【Key words】 Chinese population DXS102 locus Short tandem repeats Geneticpolymorphisms Hemophilia B Gene diagnosis
血友病B是一种由于凝血因子Ⅸ基因(hFⅨ)发生突变而引起的出血性疾病,为X染色 体隐性遗传。鉴于目前对此病尚无根治方法,因而最积极的措施是进行基因诊断。国外 大多数应用限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)连锁分析进行此病基因诊断[1]。但据[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 东北地区正常人群St14 DXS52 位点VNTR多态分布及在甲型血友病基因诊断中的应用 下一个医学论文: 成都地区汉族人群中FABP2和F13A1的遗传多态性