葛根素注射液致发热的回顾性调查 |
程伟进 胡红玲
摘 要 目的: 探讨葛根素注射液引起发热的临床特点及 其与疗程、 剂量间的关系。 方法: 回顾性调查1993年6月~1999年12月本 院使用葛根素注射液治疗的568例住院病例, 使用自制《葛根素注射液临床使用调查表》进 行登记, 微机完成数据分析。 结果: 葛根素注射液所致发热总发生率5.8 1%, 按疗程分为短、 中、 长三组, 发生率分别为1.49%, 2.15%, 14.29%。 长疗程与 中、 短疗程组的发生率差别极显著(χ2=8.2691, 26.5332, P<0.01或<0.001 ), 中、 短疗程两组间差异无统计学意义, 发生率与剂量大小无明显相关。 结论 : 葛根素注射液所致发热主要与疗程偏长有关。 关键词 葛根素 药物不良反应 发热 疗程
Survey on the Fever Caused by Kakonein Injection
Cheng Weijin, Hu Hongling (Zhejiang Lishui People s Hospital, Lishui 323000, P.R.China)
ABSTRACT To study the clinical features of fever caused by Kakonein Injection and its relationship with treatment time and dosage, data were collected of 568 patients who had been treated with Kakonein injection in our hospital from June 1993 and Dec. 1999. A self-developed questionnaire was used for collecting data and the data were processed by computers. Our results revealed that the total incidence rate of Kakonein-caused fever was 5.81%. The rates were 1.49%, 2.51% and 14.29% in short-, medium-and long-term treatment groups respectively. The difference in the incidence was very significant between long-term treatment group and medium -and short -term groups(χ2=8.2691; 26.5332; P<0.01 or P<0.001). No significant difference was found between short-term and medium-term treatment. The incidence had not significant relation. It is concluded that the Kakonein-caused fever is mainly associated with the relatively long treatment time. KEY WORDS Kakonein; Adverse drug reaction; Fever; Treatment course
葛根素是从豆科植物野葛的干燥根中提取的单一成分注射液, 化学名Δ, 1 -二羟基, 8-β-D葡萄糖醛基异黄酮, 可扩张外周血管, 降低血粘度, 抑制血小板聚 集, 阻断β-受体, 促进冠状动脉侧枝循环的形成和开放, 从而起到对缺血的心肌和脑 组 织的保护作用, 广泛应用于缺血性心脑血管病的治疗。 随着临床应用的不断增多, 葛根 素注射液引起发热的不良反应已有少数报道[1~5], 但以个案报道为主, 或者样 本量较小, 本文采用较大样本量, 作进一步研究。
1 资料与方法
查阅1993年6月~1999年12月出院的病历, 所有使用过葛根素注射液(山东烟台中策药业有 限公司生产, 商品名普乐林)的病人均列入调查对象。 入组标准: ① 使用葛根素之前体 温正常, 用药期间出现发热; ② 无鼻塞、 流[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 利福平药物热临床分析 下一个医学论文: 胃粘膜细胞系GES