多因素所致温病湿热证模型大鼠红细胞免疫功能的变化 |
佟丽 陈江华 吴仕九 杨运高 杨钦河 刘立
摘 要 目的:探讨高温、高湿环境,同时给予高脂、高糖饲料,并感染不同的病原微生物等因素对大鼠红细胞免疫功能 的影响。方法:采用红细胞酵母菌混合花环法测定大鼠红细胞C3b受体花环数(E-C3bRR)和红细胞免疫粘附物(E-ICR)花环数。结果:在多因素作用下,模型大鼠外周血中红细胞C3b受体花环数(E-C3bRR)显著降低,而红细胞免疫粘附物(E-ICR)升高。除去病原微生物作用,大鼠在高脂高糖、高温高湿环境,E-C3bRR显著降低和E-ICR水平均显著降低;将动物给予普通饲料,置于高温高湿环境,E-C3bRR显著降低,而E-ICR水平无显著变化。结论:多因素同时作用所致大鼠温病湿热证模型其红细胞免疫功能发生显著变化。
关键词 红细胞C3b受体 红细胞免疫粘附复合物 湿热证 动物模型 中国图书分类号 R229
The effect of multiple factors on erythrocytoimmunity function in dampness-heat model rats of epidemic febrile disease
TONG Li, CHEN Jiang-Hua, WU Shi-Jiu et al.Departtment of TCM, the First Military Medical University, Guangzhou 510515
Abstract Objective:To probe into effect several factors such as high temperature, high humidity, high sugar and high fat diet and infection of pathogenic microorganisms on erythrocytoimmunity function in rats model of dampness-heat. Methods:The number of blood erythrocyte C3b receptor rosettes and immune complex rosettes (E-ICR) in the rats model were tested by red cell and yeast mixture rose. Results:Blood erythrocyte C3b receptor rosette (E-C3bR) of rats decrased but erythrocyte immune complex rosette (E-ICR) increased significantly to induce by multiply factors. Both of E-C3bR and E-ICR were decreased significantly induced by high temperature, high humidity and high sugar and fat diet.Except the pathogenic microorganisms. In high temperature and humidity, E-C3bR of the experimental rat which fed by common diet decreased significantly but the level of E-ICR had not any change. Conclusion:Erythrocytoimmunity function of dampness-heat rats of epidemic febrile disease changed significantly when multiple factors affected it together.
Key words Erythrocytoimmunity Dampness-heat Syndrome Animal model
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 微囊化猪胰岛对特异性抗体的免疫隔离作用的研究 下一个医学论文: 人参四物汤对成瘾动物胸腺T细胞亚群增殖及IL