微囊化猪胰岛对特异性抗体的免疫隔离作用的研究 |
张苏河 程栋 李鹏诺 李凤良 栗夏莲 田晨光 李青菊 欧阳安
摘 要 目的:为了探讨一步成囊法制备的海藻酸钠微囊对猪胰岛样细胞团(Islet-like cell cluster, ICC)的保护作用。方法:本研究把经猪ICC免疫的小鼠新鲜血清,与微囊化ICC或游离ICC共同孵育后,观察各组ICC的胰岛素释放试验。结果:微囊ICC组的基础及刺激后的胰岛素值分别为93.49±16.21 ,275.00±35.19 mU/L,与对照组比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);游离ICC组的基础及刺激后胰岛素值分别为66.83±10.24 ,92.41±25.32 mU/L,明显低于微囊ICC组及对照组(P<0.01)。结论:表明免疫血清对游离ICC有明显损害,而海藻酸钠微囊对特异性抗体有免疫隔离作用,能够保护ICC免遭抗体攻击。
关键词 海藻酸钠微囊 新鲜免疫血清 猪ICC 胰岛素释放 中国图书分类号 R392.4
Study on the immunoisolation of microencapsulated porcine islet-like cell clusters from special antibodies
ZHANG Su-He, CHENG Dong, LI Peng-Nuo et al. Department of Endocrinology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Henan Medical University, Zhengzhou 450003
Abstract Objective:In order to study the protective effect of alginate microcapsules by one-step encapsulated method to porcine islet-like cell clusters (ICC). Methods:Microencapsulated ICC (McICC) and free ICC (FICC) were incubated with fresh sera of immunized mice by porcine ICC, then the changes of insulin release of McICC and FICC were observed. Results: The results indicated that the insulin concentrations of basal and stimulated McICC group were 93.49±16.21 , 275.00±35.19 mU/L respectively, there was no difference between McICC and control ICC (P>0.05), and that the concentrations of basal and stimulated insulin of FICC were 66.83±10.24 , 92.41±25.32 mU/L respectively, which were significantly lower than those of McICC and control ICC (P<0.01). Conclusion:It was suggested that immunized sera could injure FICC seriously and that alginate microcapsules had the efficient effect of immunoisolation, which could prevent ICC from the destruction of special antibodies.
Key words Alginate microcapsules Fresh immunized sera Porcine ICC Insulin release
微囊化胰岛移植是为解决同种、异种胰岛移植后发生免疫排斥而采用的方法之一。微囊作为一种半透膜,应具有良好的生物相容性,且允许小分子营养物质、胰岛素自由通过,但阻挡大分子的免疫细胞、抗体及补体的透入。本实验用自[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: LPS对人胚胎胰岛分泌IL 下一个医学论文: 多因素所致温病湿热证模型大鼠红细胞免疫功能的变化