LPS对人胚胎胰岛分泌IL |
孙 田志刚 杨贵贞 张建华
摘 要 目的:为了探讨免疫介质LPS对胚胎胰岛分泌IL-6以及对胰岛功能的影响,以便为研究免疫系统与内分泌系统的内在联系提供依据。方法:采用常规消化方法分离人胚胎胰岛并对其进行原代培养,加入浓度为10 mg/L LPS,经不同时相收获上清,测定IL-6、胰岛素、胰高血糖素含量和IL-6 McAb中和试验,对LPS刺激和对照组胰岛RNA进行IL-6 RNA 斑点杂交。结果:人胚胎胰岛经LPS刺激分泌IL-6的能力明显加强,在体外培养8 d,IL-6含量达高峰,为对照组的145倍;人胚胎胰岛在换新鲜培养液后用LPS二次刺激,仍可继续分泌高效价的IL-6,高峰时相为对照组的25倍;IL-6 McAb对胰岛培养上清中IL-6有很强的中和效应;斑点杂交结果显示LPS刺激后胰岛RNA中IL-6 mRNA含量明显高于对照组;人胚胎胰岛受LPS刺激后胰岛素分泌能力加强,胰高血糖素分泌能力明显降低。结论:免疫介质LPS可能影响胰岛的分泌功能及产生IL-6的能力。
关键词 人胚胎胰岛 IL-6 LPS 中国图书分类号 R335.6
Promotion of IL-6 production of human fetal islets by LPS
SUN Rui,TIAN Zhi-Gang,YANG Gui-Zhen et al.Shandong Cancer Biotherapy Center,Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,Jinan 250062
Abstract Objective:To study the effects of LPS on fetal islet function and IL-6 production in vitro.Methods:The islets from fetal pancrease was separated by collagenase type V (0.5 mg/ml)and cultured with or without LPS(10 μg/ml)in vitro.The supernatants of primary culture and second culture of human fetal islets for different days were assayed for IL-6,insulin,glucogon.Results:The results showedIL-6 secretion was siginificantly chanced and was maximal by 8th day after exposure to LPS and increased 145 folds (50 vs 7 284 mU/islet);After renewal of new mediual and restimulating with LPS,IL-6 secretion was increased 25 folds(47 vs 1 175 mU/islet);IL-6 McAb significantly neutralized the IL-6 activity of islet supernatants from each group,indicating that the IL-6 bioassay is specific;IL-6 mRNA in human fetal islet exposed to LPS is higher than control in dot hybridization;Insulin released to supernatants was increased (0.69~0.86 IU/islet)and glucagon secretion was decreased(1.80~0.18 pg/islet)after exposuring to LPS.Conclusion: Pancreatic islets may produce IL-6 and is promoted by LPS.The importance of IL-6 and LPS in regulating insulin and glucagon is under investigation.
Key words Human fetal islet IL-6 LPS
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 舒喘灵对缺氧大鼠肺动脉高压和肺组织肾上腺素能 2受体mRNA表达的影响 下一个医学论文: 微囊化猪胰岛对特异性抗体的免疫隔离作用的研究