人胚胎胰岛分泌白细胞介素6的动力学研究 |
孙 氵内 田志刚 张建华 杨贵贞△
摘 要 目的:阐述IL-6与胰岛功能或胰岛病变的可能关系。方法:采用常规消化方法分离人胚胎胰岛并进行原代培养,培养上清进行IL-6、胰岛素、胰高血糖素活性测定和IL-6 McAb中和实验,同时对胚胎胰岛进行体外葡萄糖刺激实现。结果:原代培养的胚胎胰岛在40 h内IL-6分泌呈上升趋势(37~153 mU/胰岛),每24 h重新换取新培养液作为一个分泌周期,IL-6分泌以第1周期最高(106 mU/胰岛),体外连续培养IL-6的分泌以1 d最高(145 mU/胰岛),用IL-6 McAb可以阻断胰岛培养上清中IL-6的活性;胰岛素、胰高血糖素的分泌周期与IL-6不同;葡萄糖刺激明显促进IL-6的分泌,其分泌趋势与胰岛素分泌一致。结论:原代培养的人胚胎胰岛在无任何刺激情况下可自发分泌IL-6,而且IL-6的分泌有自己的分泌环路。 主题词 人类;胚胎;胰岛;白细胞介素-6
IL-6 secretion kinetics of human fetal islets
SUN Rui, TIAN Zhi-Gang, ZHANG Jian-Hua, YANG Gui-Zhen Shandong Cancer Biotherapy Center, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan 250062)
Abstract AIM:To study the relationship between IL-6 and function of pancreatic islets, IL-6 secretion kinetics of hmuan fetal pancreatic islets was investigated.METHODS:Islets from fetal pancreas were separated by collagenase type V (0.5 g/L) and cultured in vitro. The supernatants of primary culture of hmuan fetal islets for different days were assayed for IL-6, insulin and glucagon. The islets were stimulated by glucose and the supernatants was assayed too.RESULTS:IL-6 content of islet supernatant increased and peaked at 40 hour after stimulation (from 37 mU/islet to 153 mU/islet). Islets were replenished every 24 hours and secretion in first 24 h was highest (106 mU/islet). Cumulative Il-6 content in culture was highest on day 1 (145 mU/islet). IL-6 secretion was promoted dose-dependently after adding glucose to islets culture and insulin secretion was paralleled to IL-6 production.CONCLUSION:Islets may secret IL-6 spontaneously, and the glucose stimulation may regulate the IL-6 secretion, which is related to insulin production. MeSH Human;Embryo; Islands of Langerhans; Interlukin-6
[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 拮抗内皮素生物学效应对甘油所致大鼠急性肾功能衰竭的影响 下一个医学论文: 大鼠压力超负荷早期心肌收缩功能和环核苷酸的动态反应