湖南省城乡部分老年人口自杀流行学研究 |
徐慧兰 肖水源 陈继萍 刘连忠
【摘要】目的:描述湖南省城乡1990-1998年部分老年人口自杀流行学特征,为老年人口自杀预防以及降低老年自杀率提供科学依据。方法:根据湖南省卫生厅生命统计资料(1990-1998年),对部分老年人口自杀状况进行统计分析,并以湖南省城区(长沙市天心区)、农村(浏阳县)两地为代表,着重描述两地流行学特征。结果:自1990-1998年九年来,湖南省老年人口自杀率均有上升趋势(天心区Y=8.76±2.88X,p<0.001;浏阳县Y=77.450±1.697X,p=0.05)。老年人口平均自杀率城区为24.4/10万(天心区22.1/10万),农村为88.9/10万(浏阳县88.3/10万)。城区、农村两地男女自杀率比例分别为1∶1和1.4∶1。两地自杀方式城区多以服毒服药、自缢、跳楼为主,农村则多以服毒服药、自缢、自溺为主。城区、农村两地自杀原因城区多以久病厌世、家庭纠纷以及精神疾病为主,农村则多以家庭纠纷、久病厌世、生活困难为主。结论:社会、经济环境可能是老年人自杀的最重要的诱发因素,尤其在农村地区老年人有更突出的心理问题,他们需要更多的医学关怀和社会的关注。 【关键词】自杀 老年人口 流行学特征
Epidemiological Study on Committed Suicide among the Elderly in Some Urban and Rural Areas of Hunan Province
Xu Huilan Xiao Shuiyuan Chen Jiping et al. (Hunan Medical University, Changsha, Hunan Province, CHINA 410078)
【Abstract】Objestive: To describe the epidemiological features of committed suicide among the elderly in some urban and rural areas of Hunan Province and to provide scientific basis for preventing suicide and lowering suicide rate in the future. Method: The official mortality data of 1990-1998 were used for analysis and two areas were viewed as representative for the description of epidemiological features. Results: From 1990 to 1998, the suicide rate in Tianxin District of Changsha (Y=8.76+2.88X, p<0.001) and Liuyang County (Y=77.450+1.697X, p=0.05) presented a significant increasing tendency. The average suicide rate among the elderly in the rural areas (88.3/100 thousands) was four times that of the urban areas (24.4/100 thousands). A relatively higher male: female ratio (1.4/1.0) was also observed in the Liuyang County. Poisoning and hanging were the most common methods of suicide, and chronic illness, family troubles and life embarrassment were the most common causes of suicide in both urban and rural areas. Conclusions: Social and economic problems play an important role in the suicide of the elderly, and the rural elder people may have more[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 临床医务人员对安乐死的态度及相关问题的研究 下一个医学论文: 拮抗内皮素生物学效应对甘油所致大鼠急性肾功能衰竭的影响