香港和成都市儿童行为量表 CBCL 跨地区比较研究 |
郭兰婷 梁永亮 何定邦 熊思方 李子超 邓振鹏 单友荷 彭祖贵 万云
【摘 要】 目的:比较香港和成都市少年儿童的行为和情绪问题,探讨社会文化因素对评定结果的影响。方法:使用Achenbach儿童行为量表(Achenbach’s Child Behavior Checklist,CBCL)对香港2673名、成都市858名6—18岁样本进行评定。结果:发现CBCL多数综合征评分香港地区高于成都。作用强度分析可见两地的焦虑抑郁、注意缺陷和外向性因子的差异特别明显。结论:可能香港少年儿童的心理问题出现率高于成都市,但也不能排除两地父母对儿童心理问题的认识理解、态度以及评定偏差有所不同造成两地评定结果的差异。 【关键词】 儿童 行为问题 情绪问题 跨地区
A Cross-Site Comparing Study on Child Behavior and Emotional Problems in Hong Kong and Chengdu
Guo Lanting, Patrick W. L. Leung, Tingpong Ho, et al. Department of Psychiatry, the First University Hospital,West China University of Medical scienes No.7 Xiao Xue Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, CHINA 610041
【Abstract】Objective: To compare the behavior and emotional problems of children in Hong Kong and in Chengdu, and to investigate the effects of socio-cultural factors on assessments. Methods: A total of 2673 Hong Kong children and 858 Chengdu Children aged 6-18 years old were randomly sampled. Their parents completed Achenbach s Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Results: Most of the subscale scores were significantly higher in Hong Kong samples than those in Chengdu samples. The differences in the subscales of anxious/depressed, attention problems and externalizing were very significant between two sites measured by the effect sizes. Conclusions: The results suggest that there may be difference in the prevalence of children psychopathology in these two cities. However, the possibility of differences in parental awareness, attitudes and reporting bias in the children s psychopathology cannot be excluded. 【Key words】children behavior problem emotional problem cross-site
Achenbach儿童行为量表(Achenbach s Child Behavior Checklist,CBCL)自七十年代发表以来,研究证实其信度和效度较好(Achenbach,TM,1991;Vaughn ML等,1997)(1,2),目前被公认为评估儿童行为和情绪问题最常用的工具之一。据统计已翻译成三十多种文字,在国内外广泛应用于儿童精神科临床和心理卫生研究(Brown JS & Achenbach TM,1994;忻仁娥等,1992)(3,4)。跨国家、跨地区和跨文化的研究结果显示不同国家和地区、不同文[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 注意力变量检查 TOVA 在中国的初步应用 下一个医学论文: 慢性住院精神分裂症病人社会功能有关因素研究