注意力变量检查 TOVA 在中国的初步应用 |
李雪霓 王玉凤
【摘 要】 目的:初步测试TOVA在中国注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)患儿中应用的适用性。方法:应用TOVA视觉刺激软件对一组符合DSM-Ⅲ-R诊断标准的ADHD患儿和正常儿童进行检查,并于药物治疗前后分别测试患儿的操作水平,与Conner父母量表分的变化做相关分析。结果:发现ADHD患儿与正常儿童之间TOVA各项变量均存在显著性差异,与临床诊断标准相比,诊断的敏感度85.71%,特异度87.5%;药物治疗前后患儿TOVA的操作水平变化明显,与Conner父母量表分的变化有一定相关。结论:TOVA检查确实能反映ADHD儿童的病理特点,对疗效判定也比较敏感,与Conner儿童行为评定相比,能更全面地反映ADHD患儿治疗前后的变化,作为一种带有跨文化性质和相对客观的检查手段,它在中国有很好的适用性,有一定的科研和临床应用价值。 【关键词】 ADHD TOVA 诊断 疗效 Conner量表
A Preliminary Application of Test of Variables of Attention in China
Li Xueni, Wang Yufeng Institute of Mental Health, Beijing Medical University, Beijing, CHINA 100083
【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the applicability of Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) on ADHD children in China. Methods: A total of 56 ADHD children diagnosed with DSM-Ⅲ-R and 16 normal controls were tested using the visual software of TOVA. The ADHD group received retests during and after medication. The results were analyzed compared with the results from Conners Parent Rating Scale-Revised(CPRS-R). Results: Significant difference in each variables of TOVA was found between the ADHD group and normal controls. The sensitivity of diagnosis was 85.71% and the speciality was 87.5%. Significant improvements were noted in some variables in ADHD group during and after medication. The results were correlated with those of CPRS-R. Conclusions: The results of TOVA reflect the pathological characteristics of ADHD children, and are sensitive to treatment efficacy. Comparing with the CPRS-R, TOVA seems more sensitive to the changes of every aspect during the treatment. As a cross-cultural and relatively objective measure, TOVA has perfect applicability in China and should possess its position in research and clinical practice. 【Key words】ADHD TOVA diagnosis efficacy Conner Parent Rating Scale-Revised (CPRS-R)
注意缺陷多动障碍(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,ADHD)是一种始于儿童期的行为障碍,在学龄儿童中的诊断率在5%以上,是儿童精神科最常见的疾病[[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: Carey的1个月 12岁儿童气质系列问卷的应用评价 下一个医学论文: 香港和成都市儿童行为量表 CBCL 跨地区比较研究