Carey的1个月 12岁儿童气质系列问卷的应用评价 |
张劲松 许积德 沈理笑
【摘 要】 目的:引进Carey等人的1个月~12岁全套五个年龄阶段的儿童气质问卷(EITQ,RITQ,TTQ,BSQ,MCTQ),探讨它们的应用情况,以进一步完善气质测查工具在国内的使用。方法:对原问卷进行翻译、修订后,随机选择上海市有代表性地区的儿童进行测试,由家长填写问卷,对五个年龄阶段的气质问卷分别做重测信度和内部一致性分析。结果:各问卷的平均重测信度分别为0.59~0.81,Chronbach Alpha内部一致性各问卷的维度平均值为0.48~0.59,总问卷为0.73~0.87。结论:该套系列问卷可在临床中参考应用,应将测查结果与儿童的实际情况结合起来进行分析。 【关键词】 儿童 气质 问卷 重测信度 内部一致性
The Assessment of Carey s Five Temperament Questionnares
Zhang Jinsong, Xu Jide, Shen Lixiao, et al. Xinhua Hospital of Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai, CHINA 200092
【Abstract】Objective: To assess the Carey s five temperament questionnaires (EITQ, RITQ, TTQ, BSQ, MCTQ) in one-month to twelve-years old children in China. Methods: The original five children temperament questionnaires (EITQ, RITQ, TTQ, BSQ, MCTQ) developed by Carey were translated and revised to adapt the Chinese situations. A total of 2152 children aged from one month to twelve-years old were randomly sampled in Shanghai and divided into five groups, and the questionnaires were completed by their parents. The retest reliabilities and Chronbach Alpha internal consistency were assessed. Results: The mean retest reliability of each questionnaire varied from 0.59 to 0.81. The mean internal consistency of each questionnaire ranged from 0.48 to 0.59. And the total internal consistency for these five questionnaires was 0.73-0.8. Conclusions: These questionnaires could be used in clinical practice, but the results should be explained considering the children s actual behaviors and clinical symptoms. 【Key words】children temperament questionnaire retest reliability internal consistency
Thomas和Chess认为儿童气质是行为的表现方式,包括九个维度,即:活动水平,节律性,趋避性,适应性,反应强度,情绪本质,坚持性,注意分散度,反应阈(1)。Carey和McDevitt等人依据Thomas和Chess的儿童气质理论陆续发展出《小婴儿气质问卷》、《婴儿气质问卷-修订版》、《幼儿气质评估表》、《3~7岁儿童气质问卷》(行为方式问卷)、《8~12岁儿童气质问卷》(中期儿童气质问卷)共五套儿童气质问卷(2,3,4,5,6,7)。儿童气质问卷的应用有助家长、儿科医生及其他儿童工作者全面了解儿童的心理特征,对儿童的抚养教育、行为问题的判断很有意义。国内已有研究者应用其中四[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: AAMD适应行为量表在我国的应用 下一个医学论文: 注意力变量检查 TOVA 在中国的初步应用