北京地区精神分裂症患者家属情感表达测查报告 |
徐敏洁 翁永振 李东利 郭风宇
【摘 要】 目的:探讨北京地区的住院精神分裂症患者家属情感表达方式及测查方法的实用性、测查工具应用的一致性。方法:经过训练的研究人员,采用费氏修订的CFI-CV访谈提纲,对171例住院精神分裂症患者家庭的284位家属进行访谈和录音,并将录音打印成文字资料。第一测评员即访谈者进行直接评定;第二测评员根据录音及文字资料进行评定。两名测评员按相同测评标准进行独立评定为高或低情感表达。结果:测评员之间有较高一致性,一致率89%(252/284),Kappa值为0.774(95%CI 0.658-0.891;Z=22.3,P<0.001)。结论:在北京地区,用CFI-CV问卷,测评员之间测评结果一致性良好;并易被精神分裂症住院患者家属所接受,可供医疗部门及社区医务工作者用于测评家庭情感种类,为家属的心理干预提供资料。 【关键词】 精神分裂症亲属 情感表达 评定工具 一致性 实用性
Assessment of Expressed emotion in Family Members of Schizophrenic Patients in Beijing
Xu Minjie, Weng Yongzhen, Li Dongli, et al. Beijing Anding Hospital of the Capital Medical University, Beijing, CHINA 100088
【Abstract】Objective: To assess the applicability and interrater reliability of different methods for evaluating expressed emotion in the family members of hospitalized schizophrenic patients in Beijing. Methods: The study was conducted by trained researchers using Phillips Chinese Version of the Camberwell Family Interview (CFI-CV). The first rater (interviewer) assessed based directly on the interview. The second rater assessed based on audiotape or typed transcript of the audiotape. The expressed emotion was classified as "high" or "low" according to the same standard. Results: High interrater consistency (89%, 252/284) was found for the scale, with a Kappa value 0.774 (95% CI 0.658-0.891; Z=22.3, P<0.001). Conclusions: The CFI-CV possesses good interrater consistency in Beijing and is applicable in the family members of schizophrenic inpatients. It can provide information for psychological intervention of family members. 【Key words】schizophrenia family members expressed emotion consistency applicability
精神分裂症患者经住院治疗缓解后,其复发与患者家属情感表达(Expressed Emotion,简称EE)的种类(高或低)有关[1]。家庭成员的高情感表达(HEE),是造成精神分裂症患者病情复发的重要原因之一[2,3]。目前评估家属情感表达种类的工具多采用坎伯威家庭问卷(Camberwell Family Interview,简称CFI)其信度及效度皆佳[4],在中国,90%以上的患者和家属住在一起,相互影响明显,评估家庭情感表达的种类更为重要。我们选用费立鹏[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: HDS 下一个医学论文: AAMD适应行为量表在我国的应用