沐楠 陆泳 冯容妹 方少心 周伟成 江美娟
【摘 要】 目的:探讨HDS-R在老年期痴呆筛查中的应用及其影响因素。方法:本研究用改良长谷川痴呆量表(HDS-R)对广东沿海三个县中1018名世居农村,年龄≥65岁的老年人进行痴呆筛查。结果:HDS-R分为0—32.5分,平均23.50±5.80分,经逐步回归分析表明年龄、教育程度、痴呆诊断、听力、性别是影响HDS-R评分的重要因素;HDS-R界限分为17分时,敏感度95.1%,特异度为97.7%。结论:年龄、教育程度、痴呆诊断、听力、性别是影响HDS-R评分的重要因素,HDS-R因其特异度和敏感度高且易于实施、项目简便,适合在我国使用。 【关键词】 HDS-R 老年期痴呆 农村 老年人 筛查
Application of HDS-R in Screening Senile Dementia in Coastal Rural Areas of Guangdong Province
Mu Nan, Lu Yong, Feng Rongmei, et al. Guongzhou Psychiatric Hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, CHINA 510370
【Abstract】Objective: To explore the application and related influential factors of the Revised Hasegawa s Dementia Scale (HDS-R) in screening senile dementia. Methods: A total of 1018 subjects who were older than 65-years old and permanently lived in the rural areas of three coastal counties of Guangdong province were screened for dementia using the HDS-R. Results: The scores of HDS-R ranged between 0 and 32.5 and the mean score was 23.5±5.80. The results of step-by-step regression analysis showed that age, gender, educational level, diagnosis of dementia, and hearing capacity were important influential factors of HDS-R. When the threshold score was 17, the sensitivity and the specificity were 95.1% and 97.7% respectively. Conclusions: HDS-R is easily operated and suitable for Chinese practice because of its higher sensitivity and specificity. 【Key words】HDS-R senile dementia rural area the elderly screening
1.调查组由11位从事精神医学工作10年以上的专业人员组成,调查前接受专题培训,对使用的量表进行一致性检验,Kappa值均在0.8以上。 2.采用逐层随机取样法:广东省恩平县、阳东县和阳西县作为调查地点,每个县随机抽取一个镇,每个镇随机抽取过半数管理区,三个县共抽取16个管理区,约定11万框架人群,然后从每个管理区的户籍确认大于65岁,世居农村的老年人群,符合条件者6191人,再以此为根据6∶1的比例随机抽取1031人,实际[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 系统家庭治疗技术的临床运用 一 下一个医学论文: 北京地区精神分裂症患者家属情感表达测查报告