蝗虫染色体分带技术的研究 |
马恩波 姚爱玉
摘要 本文对采自长沙岳麓山的中华稻蝗〔Oxya chinensis (Thunberg)〕和采自杭州的小稻蝗〔Oxya hyla intricata (Stal) 〕进行了染色体C带、R带、N带和A带的处理研究。结果表明,C带显示结构异染色质,其位置在不同分裂相中较为稳定;R带即G带的反带,带纹较C带丰富,在粗线期最为明显,本文观察到不同的温育条件可影响R带产生的效果;N带和Ag带可相互参照比较,从而为NOR的准确定位提供依据;A带即荧光带,本文对其显带程序作了一定的改进。 关键词 蝗虫,染色体,分带技术 中图分类号 Q962
A Study of Locust s Chromosomal Banding Technology
MA En-Bo YAO Ai-Yu (Department of Life Science,Shanxi University,Taiyuan030006)
Abstract In this paperOxya chinensis (Thunberg) collected from the Yuelu Mountains in Changsha, Hunan Province andOxya hyla intricata (Stal) collected from Hangzhou, Zhejiang province were analysed by chromosomal C-banding、R-banding、N-banding、Ag-banding and A-banding. The results showed that the constitutive heterochromatin was stained in C-banding, and it relatively stable; R-banding was the reverse of G-banding, its bands were relatively obvious at the pachytene and abundent, it may be because of the selective extracts that cause the bands evident, the different effects were surveyed under the various incubation conditions; Both N-banding and Ag-banding can stain the nucleolar organizer and the two were compared in this paper; The A-banding was a little improved in the light of the banding process. Key words Locust,Chromosome,Banding technology
1 材料和方法
1.1 实验材料 供试材料为两种稻蝗,分别为采自杭州市郊的小稻蝗〔Oxya hyla intricata(Stal)〕和采自长沙市郊的中华稻蝗〔O. chinensis (Thunberg)〕。采集时间均为96年8月中旬,每种研究数量为30头。其中小稻蝗经C带、R带和N带处理研究;中华稻蝗采用C带、R带、N带、Ag带和A带处理研究。 1.2 实验方法 1.2.1 采集、预处理、固定及保存 将野外采来的雄性蝗虫活体注射秋水仙素水溶液(0.05%浓度),每个体2~8微升(依个体大小而定),6~8小时后活体解剖,取出精巢于低渗液(0.075 mol/L KCl)5~10分钟后置于固定液(3∶1甲醇∶冰醋酸)8~12小时,移至70%酒精中保存。 1.2.2 染色体制片(压片法) 常规方法压片,冰冻揭片,空气干燥,待老化2~3天后进行后续分带处理。 1.2.3 显带[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 磷酸化酶mRNA在水稻雌蕊中表达的时空动态 下一个医学论文: 人类指掌皮肤嵴纹与智力发育的相关性研究