三明市实施计划免疫20年成本 |
肖福明 郑剑锵 陈瑞祥 俞招云 陈忠
摘要:[目的] 科学地评价三明市计划免疫成果。[方法] 应用成本—效益分析方法研究三明市实施计划免疫的成本效益。[结果] 实施计划免疫后,年均减少脊髓灰质炎、麻疹、白喉、百日咳、乙脑和流脑等6种传染病共24 270例,减少死亡365例,减少残疾70例。每年因减少发病、死亡,避免医疗费、死亡养育费、陪护误工损失费等直接经济损失594.87万元;减少陪护误工、病例死亡和残疾,避免间接经济损失2 583.59万元,总效益达3 178.46万元。计划免疫年均成本投入156.21万元, 年均获得直接净效益438.66万元,成本与直接效益比值1∶3.8;年均获间接净效益2427.4 万元,成本与间接效益比值1∶16.5;总净效益为3022.25万元,成本与总效益比值1∶20.4。[结论] 计划免疫每投入1元成本可获得3.8元的效益,并为国家创造16.5元的财富。 关键词: 计划免疫; 成本; 效益 中图分类号: R 186; F 224.5 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2705(2000)05-0015-04
The Cost-benefit Analysis of EPI Implementation for 20 Years in Shanming City
XIAO Fu-ming, ZHENG Jian-qiang, CHEN Rui-xiang, et al. (Shanming City Health and Anti-epidemic Station, Fujian 365000, China)
Abstract:[Objective] To evaluate the achievement of implementing expanded program of immunization (EPI) for 20 years in Shanming city. [Methods] The cost-benefit analysis(CBA) was used for the evaluation of EPI. [Results] After implementing EPI, 24270 cases in Polio, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, encephalitis B and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, as well as 365 cases dead and 70 cases handicapped were reduced annually. The reduced direct and indirect economic losses reached to RMB 5.9487 and 25.8359 million yuan respectively. The overall economic benefit was RMB 31.7846 million yuan .The annual input for EPI was RMB 1. 562 million yuan and the direct and indirect net benefit reached RMB 4.3866 and 24.2738 million yuan annually. The ratio of cost to direct economic benefit was 1∶3.8 and to indirect 1∶16.5. The total net benefit reached to RMB 30.2225 million yuan and the ratio of cost to overall benefit was 1∶20.4. [Conclusion] RMB 3.18 and 16.5 yuan, the direct and indirect economic benefit may be obtained from RMB one yuan inputting for EPI implementation. Key words: expanded program of immunization(EPI); cost benefit analtsis(CBA)
我市从1979年开始计划免疫,1982年以来实施EPI[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 预防输血传播病毒的感染 下一个医学论文: 福州市妇女乳腺癌危险因素的病例对照研究