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廖建春 郎军添 王海青 范静平 吴建 陈菊祥 吕春雷 叶青 彭玉成 赵舒微

  【关键词】后筛窦 影像解剖 CT扫描

Imaging anatomy study of the posterior ethmoid sinus

Liao Jianchun,Lang Juntian,Wang Hiqing,et al.
Department of Otolaryngology,Changzheng Hospital of the Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200003

  Objective:To provide imaging anatomy basis of the psoterior ethmoid sinus for endoscopic sinus surgery and basicranial surgery.Methods:Coronal,sagittal and axial slice CT scanning was performed on 50 adult head specimens to observe the pneumatization and development of the posterior ethmoid sinus on different slices and drections.Results:According to its appearance,the posterior ethmoid sinus could be divided into four types such as pre-canal type which accounted for,half-canal type was 23% (23 sides),28%,33% and 16% respectively.In 33 cases,the pneumatizzation and classification of both sides were identical,while the other 17 cases were non-identical.Moreover,the pneumatization of 43% posterior ethmoid sinus was to degree Ⅰ,35% was degree Ⅱa, 19% was degree Ⅱb and 22% was degree Ⅲ.Identical pneumatizations of both sides posterior ethmoid sinus were found in 29 cases.The other 21 cases was non-identical pneumatization Conclusions:These imaging anatomy data should be instructive significance for ehdoscopic sinus surgery and basicranial surgery.
  Key words:Posterior ethmoid sinus Imaging anatomy CT scanning


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