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廖建春 范静平 叶青 王海青 吴建
陈菊祥 肖璧君 彭玉成 赵舒微 郎军添 孙爱华

  【关键词】经蝶进路 影像解剖 CT扫描

Imaging anatomy study on the transnasal sphenoid appraoch

Liao Jianchun,Fan Jingping,Ye Qing,et al.
Department of Otolaryngology,Changzheng Hospital of the Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200003

  Objective:To provide imaging anatomy basis for the transnasal sphenoid approach.Methods:50 adult head specimens were studied through thinner CT scanning with coronal,sagittal,axial position.The most two common used approach of saddle area operation (extemal ethmoid approach and transnasal sphenoid approach) was observed.Results:The distance from the front wall of sphenoid sinus to the nasal spine was 56.5±5.9 mm for left and 54.9±7.2 mm,44.3±6.5 ,,for left and 44.0±6.5 mm for right to nasion.The average distance from middle point of sphenoid saddle bottom to nasal spine was 74.5±6.4 mm for left and 73.8±6.8 mm for right,60.9±7.2 mm and 60.2±7.8 mm to nasion.There was 12-14 mm anatomy distance between the external ethmoid approach and transnasal sphenoid approach.Conclusion: These imaging anatomy measured with CT was instructive significance to chose the operation approach.
  Key words:Transnasal sphenoid approach Imaging anatomy CT scanning


1 材料和方法
1.1 材料 50具(男性29,女性21)经防腐处理过的完整成年头部标本,均无畸形及外伤改变,鼻窦内无肿瘤、新生物及明显的炎症病变。

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