颈椎椎间盘与相应椎管及内容物关系的影像解剖学研究 |
贾存玮 胡万鹏 胡 洋 牛松青 范力军 孙实香 张习高 李相万
【摘 要】 目的:建立正常椎间盘与相应椎管及内容物相互关系的解剖数据。方法:选用43例尸体颈椎进行CT、MRI扫描,自蛛网膜下腔注入铸型造影剂后制作横断层标本并行X线轴位摄影。结果:第4至7颈椎的椎管矢径与椎间盘矢径之比分别为82.42±10.10、80.44±9.07、81.83±7.04%,硬膜囊矢径与椎间盘矢径之比分别为62.66±8.12、53.46±24.34、70.58±11.31%,硬膜囊矢径与椎管矢径之比分别为76.47±11.56、79.10±9.39、77.85±6.84%,椎管面积与椎间盘面积之比分别为96.12±10.30、80.87±10.96、72.73±10.40%,标本的解剖学与影像学各测量结果经统计学处理无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:本文从实验材料到方法接近于临床对活体的测量结果,所测数据可作为青年人颈椎正常解剖数据标准。 【关键词】 颈椎 椎间盘 椎管 断层解剖
The relation between the cervical intervertebral disc,vertebral canal and its content:image anatomy study
Jia Cunwei,Hu Wangpeng,Hu Yang,et al. Department of Medical Iconography,Jilin Medical College, The Fourth Military Medical University,Jilin,132013
Objective:To obtain the anatomy data of the cervical intervertebral discs,vertebral canal and its contents.Methods:In present study,43 cervical vertebral of adult specimens were examined on CT and MRI scanning instrument.With a kink of casting mould contrast medium injected into subarachnoid space,the cross-sectional specimens were manufactured and measured on the axis radiogram.Results:The ratio of vertebral canal sagittal diameter to intervertebral disc sagittal diameter from C4~5 to C6~7 are 82.42±10.10,80.44±9.70 and 81.33±7.04% respectively.That of dural capsule sagittal diameter to interverteral disc sagittal diameter are 62.66±8.12,53.46±24.34 and 70.58±11.31%.That of dural capsule sagittal diameter to intervertebral canal sagittal diameter are 76.47±11.56,79.10±9.39 and 77.85±6.84%.That of vertebral canal area to intervertebral disc area are 96.12±10.30,80.87±10.96 and 72.73±10.40% separately.There are no significant different between the anatomic measurements and image results.Conclusions:Because the material and methods involo[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 北京地区部分55岁以上人群体能减退的纵向观察 下一个医学论文: 钩突的影像解剖学研究