广东开平 博罗农村老年人生活质量调查 |
徐陶钧 欧 琼
摘要 为了解广东农村老年人生活质量现状,用多级、分层随机抽样方法, 对开平、博罗两地1 008例农村老年人进行了生活质量调查。结果:96.64%的老年人具生活自理能力(ADL量表评分),78.08%的老年人具独立生活能力(IADL量表评分);健康自评36.31%的老年人良好,52.8%中等,10.42%差;56.05%的老年人有慢性病史,居一、二位的是关节炎、慢性头痛;对目前医疗条件满意的占38.8%、一般占45.7%、不满意占9.1%;生活满意度综合评分发现23.81%生活满意度良好,65.97%中等,9.82%满意度差。认为农村老年人占人口比例大,由于一生从事体力劳动,晚年多数仍具独立生活能力,但总体健康状况较差,影响其生活质量,故重视农村老年人医疗保健,提高他们的生活质量,使其做到“健康老龄化”应引起高度重视。 关键词 老年人 生活质量
The Survey of Quality of Life among Aging Population in the Rural Areas of Guangdong Xu Taojun,Ou Qiong.Guangdong Provincial Institute of Geriatric Medicine,Guangzhou 510080 Abstract In order to investigate the quality of life in 1008 cases of elderly people living in rural areas, Kaipin and Boluo counties in Guangdong Province.Data was collected by cluster stratification and random selection. 96.64% of them were independently managing their activities of daily life with 78.08% lived by themselves. In a self-evaluation questionnaire on health status, 36.31% perceived good,52.8% moderate and 10.42% bad with 56.05% having had history of chronic illnesses. Arthritis and chronic headache, appeared to take the first and second place. 38.8% showed satisfaction about the current medical condition with,45.7% moderate and 9.1% un-satisfaction.23.81% of them felt the degree of satisfaction to their life was good,65.97% moderate and 9.82% poor.Since the proportion of elderly in the rural areas was big,and most elderly could manage their lives in late years because they had engaged in physical labor in the past,the general health condition was bad which led to poor quality of life. It is suggested that more medical care be provided to elderly living in the countryside to improve their quality of life. Key words Elderly population Quality of life
一、研究对象:按照多级、分层、随机抽样的原则,在开平、博罗每县抽6~9个镇(区),每个镇(区)抽2~3个管理区,每个抽到的管理区按[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 我国汉族妇女维生素D受体基因多态性和骨质疏松关系的研究 下一个医学论文: 北京地区部分55岁以上人群体能减退的纵向观察