长沙市区老年职工高血压病患者生存质量关系的研究 |
周永生1 朱志明1 钟树林1 周丽红1 曾健松2 赵松槐2 刘光兴2
摘要 为探讨长沙市区企业老年职工高血压病与生存质量的关系,用多元逐步回归的方法对555例60岁以上的企业职工高血压保健及对老年生存质量的影响进行分析。结果:身体健康和日常生活功能是影响老年职工生存质量主客观评价共有的第一、二位因素。高血压病是老年职工身体患病率最高的老年慢性疾病,确诊高血压患者生存质量总评分及日常生活功能评分明显偏低,高血压病的基层保健仍然是薄弱环节。作者认为加强市区基层老年职工高血压病保健和健康教育对提高老年生存质量有显著作用。 关键词 老年人 高血压病 生存质量
A Study on the Relationship of Primary Hypertension in Elderlies and Their Quality of Life in Changsha City Zhou Yongsheng*,Zhu Zhiming,Zhong Shulin,et al.*Changsha City Geriatrics Institute 410002 Abstract To study the relationship between hypertension and their quality of life in Changsha City,in the elderly primary qustionnaire concerning quality of life developed by the Chinese Geriatric Association was used to investigate 555 aged workers.A community-based control programme on hypertension and it s impact was analysed. The results of stepwise regression suggested that physical status and function of daily activities were both subjective and objective determinants of importance.Morbidity of hypertension was the highest among all chronic diseases influecing aged worker s health status.The total score of quality of life and activities in aged people with hypertension was obviously low.There were many problems in the community-based control program on hypertension in urban districts.The treatmant on systolic hypertension has positive effect.Strenthening community-based control of hypertension has important impact on improving the quality of life among aged people. Key words Elderly population Hypertension Quality of life
一、样本:分别对新城区湖南曙光电子企业集团公司居住区及老城区樊西巷居委会60岁以上职工,采用分层整群抽样确定调查范围,完成调查对象共555例,调查时间为1995年10月至1996年6月,问卷应答率92.5%。 二、检测标准及评定标准: 1.生活质量评定方法:采用中华老年医学会统一设计,包括身体健康、生活习惯、日常生活功能、家庭和睦、居住条件、经济收入、营养状况、心理卫生、社会交往、生活满意度和体能检查等11项内容,含272个变量的封闭式问卷,总分33分,组织培训调查员按统一标准评分〔1〕。 2.用逐步回归法对影响老年生存质量多项因素进行分析。 3.本[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 非洛地平缓释片对原发性高血压氧自由基及胰岛素抵抗的影响 下一个医学论文: 北京市城区老年人口腔健康社会医学调查