李 宾 周春喜 王黎明 王 妮 陈幼珍 曹泳清
中国图书分类号 R392.1 摘 要 目的:研究细胞间粘附因子-1(ICAM-1)在着床期外周血淋巴细胞(PBLC)、子宫内膜及蜕膜细胞(EC/DC)中的不同表达特点及动态变化规律。方法:以着床期小鼠为动物模型,细胞分析采用单抗免疫荧光标记及多参数流式细胞术分析技术。结果:发现ICAM-1在PBLC、EC/DC中的表达均存在明显的动态变化;其中ICAM-1的表达在PBLC中于妊娠第2天(D2)达最低水平,而在EC/DC中于妊娠第4天(D4)降至最低。结论:ICAM-1在PBLC及EC/DC中的动态表达具有不同的调控机制,这种动态变化参与了着床过程中局部免疫耐受的形成及调控。 关键词 ICAM-1 PBLC 子宫内膜 蜕膜 着床
Study on dynamic changes of ICAM-1 in mouse PBLC and EC/DC at peri-implantation stage
LI Bin,ZHOU Chun-Xi, WANG Li-Ming et al. Flow Cytometry Lab, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853
Abstract Objctive:The study was to investigate the expressions and dynamic changes of intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1) in peripheral blood lymphocytes(PBLC),endometrial and decidual cells(EC/DC) at peri-implantation stage. Methods:Cells were stained by direct immunofluorescence staining with FITC-conjugated antimouse ICAM-1 McAb and studied by multi-parameter flow cytometry. Results:Substantial levels of ICAM-1 expression were found in PBLC and EC/DC. Both ICAM-1 expressions in PBLC and EC/DC had a significant dynamic change during peri-implantation stage. The lowest level of ICAM-1 expression was on the second day of pregnancy (D2) in PBLC whereas in EC/DC the lowest level was on D4. Conclusion:The expression of ICAM-1 in EC/DC was regulated in a manner different from that in PBLC. The dynamic changes of ICAM-1 expression may be adapted to accommodate local immune tolerance and could be essential for the regulation of the maternal immune response to the genetically foreing fetus. Key words ICAM-1 PBLC Endometrium Decidua Implantation
细胞粘附分子可介导细胞间及细胞与间质的相互作用并传导信息,参与机体胚胎发育、免疫调节、炎症反应及肿瘤转移等生理和病理过程。细胞间粘附分子-1(ICAM-1或CD54)属免疫球蛋白超家族成员,在静息T细胞上仅有少量表达,当受到IL-1、TNF等炎症因子刺激后,可表达于活化的T细胞、内皮细胞等[1]。由于母体与胎儿具有不同的组织相容性抗原,因而胚泡着床可视为半同种异体移植,与临床移植所不同的是胚泡不被排斥。母体对胚胎的免疫耐受具有复杂的整体和局部反应调控机制。子宫内膜和蜕膜是母体与胚胎滋养层直接接触的特殊组织,已发现蜕膜中含有大量的大颗粒淋巴细胞为蜕膜淋巴细胞,该细胞参与了局部免疫耐受的形成[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 早产合并临床绒毛膜羊膜炎时母血和脐血中细胞因子的检测 下一个医学论文: 用甲基纤维素半固体培养基筛选杂交瘤细胞