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维吾尔族人群抗原处理相关转运体 TAP 基因多态性及与类风湿关节炎的相关性

闵伟琪 施桂英

  中国图书分类号 R593.22
  摘 要 目的:探讨新疆维吾尔族人群抗原处理相关转运体(TAP)基因多态性及与类风湿关节炎(RA)的相关性。方法:采用PCR-ARMS,-RFLP,-SSOP检测RA患者39例及健康献血者41例TAP1-333和637位,TAP2-379、565、651、665、687等位氨基酸等位基因多态性。结果:健康维吾尔族人群TAP1-333位和637位等位基因基因型分别以I和 D为主, 表现型主要为II和DD,有1A~1D 4个亚型,以1A和1B为主;TAP2-379、565、651、665、687等位基因型分别以V-A-R-T-Q 为主,表现型以VV-AT-RR-TT-QQ 为主,有2A~2H共8个亚型,以2A和2B为主。RA患者TAP2 379-I,565-T和687-S频率, 565-TT,687-SS及TAP1B频率显著升高,并且TAP1B可使 DR4 阳性者患RA的相对危险性增加5.33倍。结论:维吾尔族健康人群及RA患者TAP基因多态性有不同于其他民族人群的基本特点。 TAP1B可使 DR4阳性者患RA的相对危险性增加,并可能是维吾尔患者RA的易感基因。
  关键词 抗原处理相关转运体 多态性 类风湿关节炎

The association between transport-associated antigen processing (TAP) gene polymorphisms and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Weiwuer nationality

MIN Wei-Qi
PLA No.466 Hospital ,Beijing 100089.
SHI Gui-Ying
PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853

  Abstract Objective:To investigate the association between transport-associated antigen processing (TAP) gene polymorphisms and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Weiwuer nationality of Xinjiang. Methods:The frequencies of the alleles at position 333,637 for TAP1 and 379,565,651,665,687 for TAP2 in 39 healthy controls and 41 RA patients of Weiwuer nationality were defined by PCR-ARMS, -RFLP,-SSOP. Results:The genotype I,D are over-presented at position 333, 637 for TAP1 and V, A, R, T, S at 379,565 ,651, 665 and 687 for TAP2 whereas the II , DD are over-presented for TAP1 and VV, AT,RR, AT ,SS for TAP2 in the controls. There are four kinds of haplotypes (1A- 1D), and main genotype 1A,1B are distributed for TAP1. Whereas, Eight kinds of haplotypes ( 2A-2H) exist in TAP2 and main genotype 2A, 2B phenotype are distributed for TAP2. The frequencies of phenotype 565-TT, 687-SS, genotype 379-I and TAP1B are significantly increased in RA patients and TAP1B coupling with DR4 could have a higher relative risk to suffer from RA than positive DR4 individuals (RR= 5.33). Conclusion:TAP polymorphisms in Weiwuer nationality

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