类风湿关节炎患者外周血及滑膜液 型胶原反应性B细胞检测及其特异性分析 |
王江滨 王育珊 张晓楠 王淑蕙 杨贵贞
中国图书分类号 R593.22 摘 要 目的:探讨类风湿关节炎(RA)患者体内是否存在抗Ⅹ型胶原B细胞反应。方法:以EL-4 OUr BUr/rIL-2/PMA作为刺激系统,通过酶联斑点技术检测抗Ⅹ型胶原免疫球蛋白分泌B细胞(anti-HCⅩ ISC)频率。结果:28例RA患者滑膜中11例出现 anti-HCⅩ ISC,而对照组骨性关节炎(OA)患者滑膜液中则未检测到anti-HCⅩ ISC。RA患者外周血及滑膜液CD19+及CD20+细胞百分率于刺激前后无明显变化,但CD5+B细胞百分率却明显增加, 外周血刺激前后分别为17.0±6.0,27.0±9.0, 滑膜液分别为8.0±3.2,16.0±6.0。结论:(1) RA患者体内存在抗Ⅹ型胶原B细胞反应,(2) CD4+ EL-4 OUr BUr/rIL-2/PMA是激活CD5+自身抗体产生B细胞的有效方法。 关键词 类风湿关节炎 Ⅹ型胶原 酶联斑点技术
Detection and specificity analysis of B cell response to human collagen type Ⅹ in peripheral blood and synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
WANG Jiang-Bin, WANG Yu-Shan, ZHANG Xiao-Nan et al. Department of Internal Medicine, The Third Hospital, Bethune University of Medical Sciences, Changchun 130031
Abstract Objective:To detect the frequencies of B cell reaction to human collagen type Ⅹ (HCⅩ) in synovial fluid and peripheral blood in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Methods:The enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay was used for enumerating anti-HCⅩ immunoglobulin secreting cells (anti-HCⅩ ISC) after highly efficient polyclonal B cell stimulation with the thymoma cells line (clone OUr BUr) in conjunction with PMA and recombinant human IL-2. Results:A low level, but significantly of human collagen Ⅹ specific B cell reaction was found in SFMC of RA patients after stimulation with EL-4 thymoma cells together with PMA and rIL-2, however, this polyclonal activation was inefficiency in SFMC of OA patients. Similar ratios were found for cells that expressed CD19 or CD20 in both RA and OA patients after stimulation of PBMC and SFMC with EL-4/rIL-2/PMA, however, the number of CD5+ B cell was increased in both RA synovial fluid and peripheral blood. Specificity analysis demonstrated that B cell reaction with HCⅩ in SFMC of RA patients was strongly inhibited by anti-HCⅩ antibody but not b[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 粘附分子选择素在IgA肾病中变化的临床意义 下一个医学论文: 甲状腺素体外对Graves病T B细胞功能异常影响的研究