福建省艾滋病流行态势及影响因素的分析 |
严延生 陈舸 郑兆双 翁育伟 郑健 颜苹苹 王惠榕 陈亮
摘要:[目的] 研究福建省艾滋病流行态势及其影响因素。[方法] HIV抗体检测、流醒病学调查及HIV亚型鉴定。[结果] 共检测780 229份标本,HIV抗体阳性131例,检出率0.169‰。其中AIDS病人41例,已死亡37例。流行病学调查确定福建HIV/AIDS病例主要分布在福州、泉州和厦门等经济较发达的沿海地区。以境外感染为主,并向境内蔓延扩散。主要感染途径是异性性接触。分析32例病人的临床资料,表明其存活期短,早期症状以持续或反复发热为主。HIVC2-V3区核苷酸序列分析证实HIV-1 E亚型为本省主要流行株。[结论] 福建艾滋病今后流行将主要经性途径,但在静脉吸毒人群中也存在HIV流行的危险。 关键词:HIV/AIDS; 流行病学监测; 艾滋病毒亚型 中图分类号:R 512.910.1 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2705(2000)04-0001-03
The Characteristic and Tendency of AIDS Epidemic in Fujian
YAN Yan-sheng, CHEN Ge, ZHENG Zhao-shuan,et al. (Fujian Centers for Disease Control, Fuzhou 350001, China)
Abstract:[ Objective ] To study characteristic and tendency of AIDS epidemic in Fujian. [Methods] The total 780 229 serum samples from high risk group and specific population such as blood donors and people that go abroad and come back were examined for anti-HIV antibody. HIV epidemic investigation was carried out, and HIV-1 subtype was identified by nucleotide sequence analysis. [Results] The positive rate was 0.169‰(131/780 229), among them 41 cases were AIDS patients and 37 cases died. The HIV/AIDS cases were mainly distributed in Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Xiamen cities. The most cases were infected abroad and the numbers of HIV carriers infected by heterosexual contacts in the province were increasing in recent years. Clinical data of 32 patients with AIDS showed that early symptoms was sustained and reversal fever, and survival time for them was shorter. Sequence analysis of C2-V3 region PCR-amplified from the PBMCs showed that HIV-1 strains epidemic in the province were dominant with subtype E. [Conclusion] HIV infection are mostly by sexual transmission in Fujian and there exists the risk of spreading HIV in injecting drug users. Key words:HIV/AIDS; epidemic; logical; surveillance; HIV-1 subtype
福建1977年始性病流行复发,1987年1月发现首例经性传播的艾滋病病例。进入90年代后,艾滋病病毒感染者逐年增加,性[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 能与大肠杆菌O157 H7 抗血清交叉凝集的5种细菌的分离和鉴定 下一个医学论文: 巧用心理学知识有效记忆英语词汇