能与大肠杆菌O157 H7 抗血清交叉凝集的5种细菌的分离和鉴定 |
郭维植 程法稷 林成水 黄晓蓉 林杰 董新平 徐海滨 陈亢川(指导)
摘要:[目的] 了解人兽及食品中能与大肠杆菌O157发生交叉凝集的细菌,为防止误诊提供参考。[方法] 开展调查,用大肠杆菌O157及H7抗血清、O157单克隆抗体进行玻片凝集、生化试验等检测。[结果] 从肉类及猪粪中检出5种(8株)肠道杆菌能与O157抗血清发生交叉反应,其中4种为国内外首次报道,2株检出菌且能与H7抗血清凝集,4株能产生LT肠毒素。[结论] 畜禽中某些种属的肠道细菌可携带与大肠杆菌O157及O157∶H7相同或相关抗原,故在鉴定O157∶H7大肠杆菌时除依血清学外,还应加用生化试验甚至致病因子检测作出最后判定。 关键词:O157大肠杆菌; 血清凝集; 交叉反应; 检测 中图分类号:R 378.2 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2705(2000)04-0004-03
Isolation and Identification of 5 Species Bacteria Cross-reacting with E. coli O157 (H7) Anti-serums
GUO Wei-zhi, CHEN Fa-ji, LIN Chen-shui,et al. (Fujian Centers for Disease Control ,Fuzhou, Fujian 350001, China)
Abstract:[Objective] To investigate the bacteria which can cross-agglutinate with E. coli O157 from men and animals in order to provide the reference information for reducing misdiagnosis. [Methods] O157:H7 bacteria were isolated in Fuzhou and Putian city, Fujian. The strains isolated were assayed with E. coli O157 and H7 antiserum and O157 monoclonal antibodies (McAb) by glass agglutination and the other biochemical test. [Results] 5 species (8 strains) bacteria were isolated from meat and pig s feces and can cross-react with O157 antiserum. The 4 species bacteria of them were firstly report in the world. 2 strains of them can agglutinate with H7 antiserums; 4 strains can produce enterotoxin. [Conclusions] Some species of intestinal bacteria from animal and poultry can carry the same or related antigen with E. coli O157 and O157∶H7. When identifying E. coli O157:H7, serological reaction and biochemical tests even the detection of pathogenic factors are needed simultaneously. Key words: E.coli O157; serum agglutination; crossing-reaction; identification
O157∶H7大肠杆菌(简称O157∶H7)是肠出血性大肠杆菌(EHEC)的主要血清型,对这种特定血清型致病菌的检测,首先必须通过血清学试验测定其细胞表面的菌体抗原O157及鞭毛抗原H7。已有报导,肠道细菌中部分细菌亦存在与O157相同或相关的抗原,因而影响结果判定。近年来,笔者等在本省人兽和食品等方面开展O157∶H7调查中,在畜禽中除了检出具有O157和H7抗原的O157∶H7大肠杆菌外,还分离出5种具有O1[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 福建省宁化县斑点热群立克次体的研究 下一个医学论文: 福建省艾滋病流行态势及影响因素的分析