政和县饮用水水质与居民死因的相关性研究 |
张应平 范治金
摘要:[目的] 探索饮用水质对居民死因的影响。[方法] 对政和县高山、平原及城区的居民饮用水进行检测,并对居民全死因进行回顾性分析。[结果] 经统计学分析饮用水中与脑血管病呈正相关的是:总硬度、镉、铅,呈负相关的有铁、锌等;与肝癌呈正相关的有铁、硫酸盐、氟化物、细菌总数。[结论] 政和县饮用水水质和居民死因有一定的相关性,但需进一步深入研究。 关键词: 饮用水; 水质; 死因; 脑血管病; 肝癌 中图分类号: R 123.1; R 735.7 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2705(2000)04-0014-02
Study on the Correlation between the Quality of Drinking Water and the Causes of Death for Resident in Zhenghe County.
ZHANG Ying-ping, FAN Zhi-jin. (Zhenghe County Environmental Protection Monitoring Station ,Fujian 353600,China)
Abstract: [Objective] To study influence of the quality of drinking water on the cause of death . [Methods] To detect drinking water in mountain, plain and city areas and to make retrospective investigation on the causes of death.[Results] The relation of cerebrovascular disease with general hardness, cadmium and lead in water offer positive correlation but with iron, zinc,etc negative correlation, the cancer of liver with :iron, sulphate, fluoride and the general amount of bacterium positive correlation. [Conclusion] There was the certainty relation between the quality of drink water and the causes of death for citizen in Zhenghe County. There is the further investigation. Must to strengthern the water source protection and water sterilization. Key words: drinking water; water quality; cause of death; cerebrovascular disease; cancer of the liver
1 材料与方法
1.1 人口死亡资料 1998年对政和县有代表性的三个区(高山区、平原区、城区)的4个乡镇1995—1997年居民全死因进行回顾性调查,调查人数占全县人口总数的50.1%。调查死亡数超过公安年报死亡数的41.7%,总死亡率为538.67/10万,死因分类按ICD编码。调查资料的完整性和可靠性符合死因调查质量要求。 1.2 饮用水资料 饮用水质资料来源于我县1991~1997年三区4乡镇76份地表、地下水水样分析结果及1999年11月采集三区有代表性16份水样分析结果。监测项目有:色度、浑浊度、pH值、总硬度,铁、锰、铜、锌、铅、砷、镉、铬,氰化物、氟化物、硫酸盐、氯化物、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、氨氮、细菌总数、总大肠菌群等。 1.3 数据处理 化学指标、毒理学指标是按饮用人口加权的算术平均值,细菌学指标是按饮用人口加权的几何平均值。先把三种地区与饮用水有关疾病死亡率进行&c[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: ATP对辐射损伤小鼠空肠肠腺存活率和cGMP含量的影响 下一个医学论文: 碘酸钾碘盐自然存放8年碘损失实验研究