ATP对辐射损伤小鼠空肠肠腺存活率和cGMP含量的影响 |
田芙蓉 曾桂英 丁桂荣
摘要: [目的] 探讨核酸前体(ATP)对辐射损伤空肠的修复作用。[方法] 选用20只BALB/c雄性小鼠,用1150 cGy 60 Coγ线进行腹部照射实验,随机分为4组,照后1 h内分别在小鼠后肢肌肉内注入ATP 0、6、8、12 mg/kg,第4 d取空肠段进行肠腺存活率和cGMP含量的测定。[结果] ATP 可明显提高受腹部照射小鼠空肠的肠腺存活率和cGMP含量;随着药物剂量的增加肠腺存活率和cGMP含量呈钟型曲线,并呈同步改变,其最适剂量为6 mg/ kg。[结论] ATP可明显提高辐射损伤小鼠空肠cGMP含量,促进肠道的恢复。 关键词: IL-1β; 酵母RNA; 电离辐射; 肠腺存活率; 恢复 中图分类号: R 818.059 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2705(2000)04-0016-02
Influnece of ATP on the Crypt Survival Rate of Jejunum and the Content of cGMP in Mice after Irradiation
TIAN Fu-rong, ZENG Gui-ying, DING Gui-rong (Department of Radiation Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi an 710033, China)
Abstract: [Objective] To explore the restoration effects of ATP on the crypt survival rate of jejunum after irradiation. [Methods] 20 BALB/c male mice, irradiated to the abdominal areas with 1150 cGy 60 Coγ-ray ,were divided into 4 groups. They were injected with ATP 0 mg/kg,6 mg/kg,8 mg/kg and 12 mg/kg respectively after radiation 1 h. The crypt survival rate of jejunum and content of cGMP were measured.[Results] ATP can significantly increase the survival rate and the content of cGMP; The crypt survival rate and the content of cGMP are changed with ATP doses at the same time. The curves formed as a bell-like. The optimum dose of ATP is 6 mg/kg.[Conclusion] ATP can increase the crypt survival rate and cGMP of jejunum after radiation. Key words: ATP; ionizing radiation; crypt survival rat of jejunum; cGMP; restoration
在我们以前的文章报道ATP可提高受大剂量电离辐射照射小鼠空肠肠腺存活率,促进损伤肠上皮的修复[1] 。国外文献中核酸在肠腺损伤中的防护作用也略有报道。而如何防治机体受射线的损伤,是一个有待解决的问题。人们选用生物制剂和细胞因子,但至今尚无一理想的抗放射药物。在我们以前的实验中,核酸及其前体对辐射引起的肠道损伤具有修复能力,照射前后使用ATP可提高肠腺存活率[1,2]。本实验探讨辐射后肠道损伤治疗的最佳剂量,及其对肠道损伤修复作用机理。
1 材料和方法
1.1 动物和照射 采用10~11周龄的BALB/c雄性小鼠20只(第四军医大学动物实验中心二级动物),体重22~25 g,用0.5%的戊巴比妥钠(按40 mg/kg,ip)麻醉后固定于带孔的双层塑料照射盒内,放置在与照射源同高的照射台上,照射源至动物中心的距离为1.7 m。用60Coγ线进行腹部一次照射,剂量[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人白介素 下一个医学论文: 政和县饮用水水质与居民死因的相关性研究